Martin Amis’ Time’s Arrow: A Reverse Journey Through History
Martin Amis’ *Time’s Arrow* (1991)
Amis’ novels express skepticism, urban decay, violence, brutality, the danger of global destruction, and the imminent collapse of modern civilization. The themes and motives he deals with in his fiction—suicide, crime, nuclear weapons, social and sexual violence, the unhappiness of divorce—can be related to childhood fears and to close personal experiences. Despite all the aforementioned, Kingsley Amis is, above all, a comic writer. He uses black and savage
Read MoreEffective Language Learning: Insights and Methods
Describing Learners
How Do Young Children Learn?
- They respond to meaning even if they don’t understand individual words.
- They often learn indirectly; they take information from all sides. That is to say that they learn from everything around them.
- They have a need for individual attention and approval from the teacher.
- Their attention is limited; they can easily get bored. That’s why activities must be extremely engaging.
- They need to work individually and in groups to develop good relationships.
- The classroom
Effective Written Communication in Business
Written communication is the transmission of messages through the written word.
Main Features of Written Communication
- Deferred Communication: Written messages do not allow for an immediate response.
- For the sender, expressing an idea, describing something, etc., is more difficult to carry out through writing.
- Allows Multiple Simultaneous Communication: Many people can receive the same message simultaneously.
- Requires Elaboration of the Message: The sender may develop, modify, or add new elements to
Yeats’ “The Wild Swans at Coole”: A Detailed Analysis
The Wild Swans at Coole: Analysis
Voice and Mood
- Voice: The speaker is expressing their thoughts, although it is suspected that the poet is speaking to someone.
- Mood: Melancholy, emotional, resignation because time passes.
The poet describes an autumnal landscape, focusing on a lake where there are 59 swans. He notes that 19 years have passed since he first counted them. The swans suddenly flew off before he could finish his count. The vision of the swans’ beauty leaves a residue of bitterness.
Read MoreKey Concepts in Child Development and Education
Genotype and Phenotype
Genotype: The set of hereditary factors that an individual receives from their parents.
Phenotype: Is the way the genotype manifests after it has acted on environmental factors.
Reasoning is the ability to operate with ideas or concepts. There are two types:
- Deductive: Going from general to particular.
- Inductive: Going from the particular to the general.
- Testosterone: Male sex hormones.
- Progesterone: Female sex hormones.
Empiricist and Behaviorist Theories
Read MoreEffective Telephone, Self-Completion, and Online Surveys
Telephone Interviews
Computer-Assisted Telephone Interviewing (CATI)
Computers have replaced paper questionnaires in telephone interviews. Phone interviews are guided by a questionnaire displayed on a computer screen. The interviewer records answers via the keyboard, entering numbers for pre-coded responses displayed on the screen. Advantages of CATI include:
- The interviewer is freer to focus on the conversation.
- Data processing is eliminated.
- Reduced costs and errors.
- Faster analysis.