Spanish Grammar Elements
A class of words with gender and number variations, forming the nucleus of a noun phrase. They can function as the subject of a sentence.
These modify nouns, defining their scope without adding lexical meaning, unlike adjectives.
Classes of Determiners
- Definite articles (el, la, los, las, lo)
- Indeterminate articles (un, una, unos, unas)
- Demonstrative adjectives (este, esta, estos, estas)
- Possessive adjectives (mi, tu, su, nuestro, vuestro, suyo)
- Indefinite adjectives (ningún, algún,
Poetic Forms and Rhetorical Devices: A Comprehensive Look
Poetic Forms
An elegy is a song of pain. It is a melancholy lyric composition that is sung about the loss of something. It allows you to mourn death and absence. Coplas a la muerte de su padre, by Jorge Manrique, is the best-known work of this type.
Considered in ancient times the type of lyrical composition par excellence, an ode generally expresses enthusiasm, admiration, and praise. Therefore, it is associated with external factors or objectives. Its accent depends on the subject that inspires
Read MoreEffective Communication in Business: Mastering Verbal and Non-Verbal Skills
Types of Communication: Keep It Short and Simple
Verbal Communication
Verbal communication refers to the form of communication in which a message is transmitted verbally. It is the first step in an international transaction. Make sure that the other party understands what you are trying to say. The difference between verbal and non-verbal communication is that we can control the former.
Oral communication is when spoken words are used. It is further divided into face-to-face or others (radio, telephone)
Read MoreEffective Signaling Systems: Functions, Classifications, and Safety Colors
The origin of signs as a formal discipline arises from the need to create an efficient system of informative and preventive signs to guide people. This type of signaling uses icons, symbols, and graphic images because the human brain recognizes images faster than text. Colors and images identify risks or cautions.
Basic Functions of Perception and Information
Entry Information
This is one form necessary to achieve the desired result. Input information can be delivered as messages, objects,
Read MoreMulticulturalism in American Literature: Momaday and Cofer
The Literatures of Multiculturalism: Scott Momaday – The Way to Rainy Mountain (1969) / Judith Ortiz Cofer – The Witch’s Husband (1993)
The 1960s saw a rejection of dominant cultural norms (non-whites, non-males, or non-Anglo Saxons). Social groups were often categorized as dominators and the dominated. Power structures, including language, ethics, and media, maintained the oppression of diverse groups in opposition to a dominant class. This dualism was sometimes referred to as the “Martini Cocktail.
Read MoreLiterary Genres and Linguistic Elements
1EL Story: Plot and Setting
Mark: Space and time are indefinite and vague. Characters appear few and are scarcely described.
Plot: Usually starts with an initial event causing the protagonist’s internal response and action, leading to consequences and reactions that culminate in the outcome.
The Novel: Key Elements
Space: Where the events develop, real or imaginary, often changing throughout the novel.
Time: When the story happens, including the interval from start to end.
Characters: Classified into
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