Spanish Golden Age Literature: Theater, Poetry, and Prose

The Dawn of National Comedy in Spain

Medieval dramatic production preserved in Castile is scarce. During the 16th century, major events took place that led to the creation of a rich and varied national theater in the following century. Our medieval drama has two milestones: the oldest dramatic text in Castilian and the work of Manrique in the second half of the 15th century.

Renaissance Theater

In Renaissance theater, different trends are distinguished: religious theater, classical, nationalist (Juan

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Vocabulary Building: 50+ Essential Words Defined


  • Accentuate (v): To emphasize
  • Anticlimax (n): A disappointing end to an exciting or impressive series of events
  • Apathetic (adj): Marked by a lack of interest
  • Assertion (n): A confident and forceful statement of fact or belief


  • Complacent (n): Self-satisfied; smug
  • Conspire (v): To plan together secretly
  • Contiguous (adj): Side by side, touching; near; adjacent in time
  • Cordial (adj): Warm and friendly
  • Corpulent (adj): Large or bulky of body; portly; stout; fat


  • Deftly (adv): Quickly and skillfully
  • Denizen (n)
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Federico García Lorca: Life, Poetry, and Theater

Federico García Lorca: A Literary Journey

Federico García Lorca is one of the most popular writers in and outside Spain, due to the high quality of his production and the fact that his life and death have been mythologized.

Early Life and Influences

Born in Fuente Vaqueros in 1898, Lorca studied literature, law, and philosophy. He was also dedicated to music and drawing. In 1919, he arrived in Madrid and moved into the Residencia de Estudiantes, where he met many of the artists of that time, including

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Galician Poetry Trends: Mid-20th Century to Late 20th Century

Until 1946, the first original book in Galician did not appear: Mar, María by Celestino Luis Crespo. In 1949, the collection Benito Soto was born in Pontevedra, directed by Celso Emilio Ferreiro, which published authors such as Luis Pimentel, Manuel María, and María M. Cunha Novás. In 1950, Ed. Galaxia was born, which was the backbone of cultural resistance.

According to the time of birth of the poets, we can highlight different generations:

1. The Generation of ’36

Poets born between 1910 and

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The Impact of 20th Century Wars on Spain and Literature

The Twentieth Century World Wars: Japanese Russo (1905), World War I (1914-1918), World War II (1940-1945), Cold War (1947-1991).

Spain in the Twentieth Century: A period of crisis, economy, and society. Spain, a rural country, favored the development of socialism and anarchism. Politically, it faced the loss of its colonies. Spain suffered under the dictatorship of Primo de Rivera, the proclamation of the Second Republic, and the outbreak of the Civil War, after which the dictatorship of Franco

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Fray Luis de León and Garcilaso de la Vega: Renaissance Poetry

Fray Luis de León

Fray Luis de León imposed a Christian humanism, reconciling Platonic forms with classical and Renaissance religious themes.

Works in Verse

His poetic work is quite short, consisting of less than 40 poems that circulated in manuscript until Quevedo. They are grouped into three periods:

  • Poems written before entering prison: Ode to the Retired Life and Prophecy of the Tagus. They show Fray Luis in the classic sense, expressing loneliness, longing, and scorn for worldly pleasures.
  • Verses
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