20th-Century Spanish Poetry: An Overview

20th-Century Spanish Poetry

The Poetry of Contemporanea: Post-war Poetry

The period prior to the war was considered a second Golden Age, especially flourishing in poetry. After the war, many poets went into exile, leaving a cultural vacuum in the genre.

Poetry Previous:

  • Predominantly individualistic.
  • Defense of the minority character of poetry.
  • Search for originality.

The style is bright. Individualism and originality greatly differentiate the poets. Poetry is characterized by dehumanization. There’s a

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Medieval Spain: A Historical and Social Overview

Historical Context (5th-15th Centuries)

Early Middle Ages (5th-8th Centuries)

The Middle Ages in the Iberian Peninsula began with the Barbarian invasions that replaced Roman power. The Visigoths took control, imposing their laws and customs but blending with the Latin culture. This period saw the rise of important figures like Saint Isidore of Seville. In the 8th century, the Arab invasion led to the start of the Reconquista, a long period of Christian reconquest that lasted until the end of the 15th

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20th Century Spanish Theater & Poetry

20th Century Spanish Theater & Poetry

Comic Theater

Carlos Arniches

  • The Saint of Isidro
  • The Friend Melquiades
  • The Caciques
  • My Man
  • Mrs. Trevelez

Hermanos Álvarez Quintero (Serafín and Joaquín Álvarez Quintero)

  • The Grid
  • Fans and Panderets
  • Patio
  • The D Cain
  • Love and Romance
  • Malvaloca

Pedro Muñoz Seca

  • Venganza Don
  • The Witch

Generación del 98

Miguel de Unamuno

  • Band
  • Raquel
  • Sentenced on Another
  • The Sphinx
  • Fedra


  • The Trilogy of the Invisible, consisting of:
    • The Spider in the Mirror
    • The Reaper
    • Doctor Death of 3 to 5


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Analysis of “Elegy” by Miguel Hernández and “Campos de Soria” by Antonio Machado

Elegy by Miguel Hernández


Miguel Hernández Gilabert, a prominent Spanish poet and playwright of the 20th century, was born in Orihuela (Alicante) on October 30, 1910. He belonged to the renowned Generation of ’27. In 1939, Hernández attempted to flee to Portugal but was apprehended by the Civil Guard, marking the beginning of his ordeal in Spanish prisons. He was eventually released and returned to Orihuela, only to be arrested again twelve days later and transferred to the Conde

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Catalan Literature in the Middle Ages: A Comprehensive Overview

Catalan Literature in the Middle Ages

Troubadour Poetry

Troubadour poetry, reflecting the aristocratic life and social environment of the nobility, flourished in the feudal courts of Southern France and spread to Catalonia and Northern Italy during the 11th-13th centuries. Occitan or Provençal became the language of Catalan poetry in the 12th century due to geographic proximity, linguistic affinity, and political and economic ties.

Feudal society was divided into two classes: the nobility who lived

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Golden Age of Spanish Literature: Lope de Vega, Tirso de Molina, and Calderon de la Barca

Lope de Vega

A prolific writer, Lope de Vega revolutionized Spanish literature with his new art of comedy. In addition to his lyrical production, his dramatic works brought him immense fame.


Lope de Vega’s stage production is vast. Forty-two mystery plays and over three hundred comedies are preserved.

Best-Known Works

  • Comedies with a national theme: Fuenteovejuna, The Knight of Olmedo
  • Comedies with invented subjects: Love is the most cultivated theme in these plays, often categorized as swashbuckling
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