Spanish Poetry and Theater Trends: Post-War to Pre-War
Spanish Poetry and Theater Trends
Poetry After G.27
Latest styles = G.27 rescued from the 50s … Topics: rexaza the previous delo concptual cold and for the intimacy and emotion. urban issues, life Cottian, AUTOBIOGRA tone, feelings of love, loneliness .. Prefers + ekilibrada poetry of rhetoric. colokial language. classical meter, free verse.
- Neosurrealism: G.27 and related posgu.
- Neorromanticism: Issues (noxe, death)
- Poetry of Silence: Valente’s poetry continuous, short verse, leave verbal exes.
19th-Century Spanish Literature: Realism and Romanticism
Realism and Naturalism in 19th-Century Spain
Realism. Features: Analysis and classification of reality, preference for the novel, contextualizing contemporary objectivity, social criticism.
A) Narrative. Evolution:
- Prereality: Ferran Caballero (The Seagull), Pedro E. de Alarcón (The Three-Cornered Hat).
- Realism. Features: Likelihood, universality, social issues, time frame, space frame, objective narration.
- Traditionalists: Pereda (Peñas Arriba), Palacio Valdés (The Lost Village), Father Coloma
Vitalism in Miguel Hernández’s Poetry: Love, War, Death
Life and Death in the Poetry of Miguel Hernández
The poetry of Miguel Hernández is pure vitalism, present in his life: blood, passion, war, and love in all its intensity. Death is a name, mostly of life.
Perito en Lunas (Expert in Moons)
Perito en lunas is an homage to Góngora and an exercise in style; intelligence to be in fashion in 1927. Love, life, and death do not appear with intensity.
El Rayo que no Cesa (The Unending Lightning)
The love theme of El Rayo que no Cesa is very complex and is marked
Read MorePicaresque Novel: Origins, Structure, and Themes of Lazarillo de Tormes
The Picaresque Novel: A Literary Exploration
The picaresque novel encompasses various subgenres, including:
- Pastoral novel (e.g., The Seven Books of Diana by Jorge de Montemayor), featuring shepherds and idyllic nature.
- Adventure novel, where the protagonist undertakes a journey fraught with obstacles.
- Celestina-style novel, narrating a love affair aided by a bawd.
- Sentimental novel, recounting tales of unhappy passions.
- Novel of chivalry, where a knight errant battles adversity for his beloved.
- Moorish
Antonio Machado and Ramón del Valle-Inclán: Life and Works
Antonio Machado (1875-1939)
Antonio Machado was born in Seville into a liberal and progressive bourgeois family. He studied at the Free Institution of Education. He traveled to Paris, where he met Henri Bergson and Rubén Darío. He won the French chair at the Institute of Soria. He married Leonor Izquierdo, who died suddenly; her memory remained in his life and work. After living in Baeza (Jaén), Segovia, and Madrid, he met Pilar Valderrama, “Guiomar” of his poems, his late love. In 1927, he was
Read MoreSpanish Literature After Franco: Trends and Evolution
Spanish Literature After Franco: Political and Social Context
In 1975, after Franco’s death, Spain began a new era, marked by democratization and integration into European and international politics. The Political Reform Bill, sponsored by Adolfo Suárez, was approved by referendum in 1976. This initiated the transition to democracy: political parties were legalized, and general elections led to the Constituent Cortes, resulting in the Spanish Constitution of 1978. Spain achieved international recognition
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