Antonio Machado and Ramón del Valle-Inclán: Life and Works

Antonio Machado (1875-1939)

Antonio Machado was born in Seville into a liberal and progressive bourgeois family. He studied at the Free Institution of Education. He traveled to Paris, where he met Henri Bergson and Rubén Darío. He won the French chair at the Institute of Soria. He married Leonor Izquierdo, who died suddenly; her memory remained in his life and work. After living in Baeza (Jaén), Segovia, and Madrid, he met Pilar Valderrama, “Guiomar” of his poems, his late love. In 1927, he was

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Spanish Literature After Franco: Trends and Evolution

Spanish Literature After Franco: Political and Social Context

In 1975, after Franco’s death, Spain began a new era, marked by democratization and integration into European and international politics. The Political Reform Bill, sponsored by Adolfo Suárez, was approved by referendum in 1976. This initiated the transition to democracy: political parties were legalized, and general elections led to the Constituent Cortes, resulting in the Spanish Constitution of 1978. Spain achieved international recognition

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Generation of ’27: Key Features and Prominent Authors

The Generation of 1927

The Generation of ’27 refers to a group of writers who emerged onto the literary scene between 1920 and 1930. Prominent members included Pedro Salinas, Jorge Guillén, Gerardo Diego, Vicente Aleixandre, Federico García Lorca, Rafael Alberti, Luis Cernuda, Emilio Prados, and Manuel Altolaguirre. The name originates from the tribute organized in 1927 to commemorate the tercentenary of Góngora, held at the Ateneo de Sevilla.

Key Features of the Generation of ’27

  • Similar Training:
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Asceticism, Mysticism, and Spanish Literature Themes

Asceticism and Mysticism

Two streams:

Asceticism describes the path and activities undertaken to achieve perfection and salvation.

Mysticism begins where asceticism ends, focusing on communication and the perfect union of the soul with God.

Fray Luis de León

His Prose Work

  • The Names of Christ: Written in prison, it explores the names Scripture gives to Christ.
  • The Perfect Marriage: Discusses the virtues a Christian woman should possess.
  • Exposition of the Book of Job: Written while in jail, León identifies
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The Evolution of Latin American Narrative in the 20th Century

Narrative of Hispanoamericana XX
In the middle, primary discern trends such as the indigenous novel (Ciro Alegría with The Broad Alien World), the novel of the Mexican Revolution (Manuel Azuela with The Underdogs), and the novel of the forest (Eustasio Rivera with The Vortex). The new American novel emerged with new forms of narration in the 40s and 50s, coinciding with profound social transformations. Some features are:
The narrator is omniscient, temporal linearity breaks through different resources,

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Count Lucanor: A Literary Exploration

Count Lucanor: Book Patronio or Lucanor Count:
These apologists, ie fictional stories with didactic intent that end with a moral. This work consists of three parts:
-Stock enxiemplos manifested in teaching and moral intent.
-Collection of 100 proverbs.
“Treaty on the salvation of Don Juan Manuel wrote alma.Lo

Trotaconventos: Female Character of the Book of Good Love is a matchmaker who runs the convent to convent carrying messages of love knights and minstrels to a work of Mester

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