16th Century Spanish Literature Overview

16th Century Spanish Literature

Fray Luis de León

Life and Personality

Born around 1527 in Belmonte, Fray Luis de León became a monk at the convent of Salamanca and a professor at the university from 1561. Imprisoned due to strife and intrigue, his time in jail influenced his work, fostering a desire for seclusion and serenity.

His Work


Fray Luis de León wrote four major works in Castilian prose:

  • Translation of the Song of Songs
  • Exposition of the Book of Job
  • In the Names of Christ
  • The Perfect Wife


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The Spanish Novel During the Renaissance

Types of Novels

Byzantine Novels

The Byzantine novel, a subgenre discovered with Heliodorus’s “Ethiopian Story,” features a couple whose love is challenged by fate but ultimately reunited. Popular fifty years before the discovery of America, these novels are set on journeys filled with obstacles like pirates, storms, and captivity.

Byzantine novels incorporated narrative techniques such as in medias res (beginning in the middle of the story) and the interpolation of stories (to maintain suspense, add

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20th Century Spanish Literature: From Realism to Avant-Garde

The Evolution of the Spanish Novel in the 20th Century

The early 20th century saw a shift in Spanish literature, moving away from the realism and naturalism that characterized the works of the previous century, such as those by disciples of Galdós, Pardo Bazán, and Clarín. While authors like Vicente Blasco Ibáñez continued to explore social realism, a new wave of writers emerged with distinct artistic visions.

The Rise of Subjectivity: The Generation of 98

The Generation of 98, spearheaded by

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20th and 21st Century Spanish Poetry: Movements and Poets

The Lyrics from the Civil War

Principal Poetic Guidelines

In the 1930s, a style of poetry developed that centered on the human social situation, injustices, and pain. Miguel Hernández is a prominent figure from this period. During the Civil War, poetry was marked by ideological exaltation and combat. In the postwar decades, the lyrical landscape was shaped by the conflict and cultural politics of the Franco regime.

The Forties

After a period of exaltation of the empire, neoclassicism and existentialism

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Spanish Narrative Prior to 1936: Prose & Avant-Garde


The Prose of the Century

In the field of prose, a progressive crisis of realism is observed, giving way to innovative trends. Prose increasingly becomes the vehicle of narrative, moving away from the classic sense. The characteristic is an impressionistic prose dominated by suggestion, imprecision, a taste for vagueness and symbolism, quick brushstrokes, and a trend toward the unfinished and fragmentary.

Common themes of these early-century writings are:

  • Voluntarism
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Quevedo’s Critique of Góngora: A Baroque Literary Analysis

XVII Century: Góngora vs. Quevedo – Quevedo Attacks

Against Don Luis de Góngora and His Poetry

Location of Text

This poem by Quevedo is part of the Baroque art movement, characterized by a profound societal crisis reflected in the works of the time through complex forms and pessimistic sentiments. This crisis also affected the political and economic spheres, as Spain lost its political hegemony in Europe. The Habsburg kings, known as “the Habsburgs under,” gave excessive power to their ministers.

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