Quevedo’s Critique of Góngora: A Baroque Literary Analysis

XVII Century: Góngora vs. Quevedo – Quevedo Attacks

Against Don Luis de Góngora and His Poetry

Location of Text

This poem by Quevedo is part of the Baroque art movement, characterized by a profound societal crisis reflected in the works of the time through complex forms and pessimistic sentiments. This crisis also affected the political and economic spheres, as Spain lost its political hegemony in Europe. The Habsburg kings, known as “the Habsburgs under,” gave excessive power to their ministers.

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The Literary Avant-Garde and Generation of ’27: A Revolution in Spanish Literature

Literary Avant-Garde in the Early Twentieth Century

The first decades of the twentieth century (until the outbreak of World War I, approximately) were a period of profound renewal and upheaval in the various arts, including literature. This period saw the emergence of groundbreaking movements (the so-called “isms”), which challenged the conventions of traditional art and literature. Common characteristics of these diverse movements include:

  • Open opposition to previous literature and art: they aspired
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Spanish Poetry Before 1939: From Modernism to the Generation of ’27

Spanish Poetry Before 1939

1. Modern Poetry – Generation of ’98

In Spain, the term modernity initially encompassed all writers with innovative aesthetic and artistic impulses. Later, it became reserved for those with a particular focus on aesthetics and an escapist approach, seeking refuge from everyday reality.

Modernist Themes:

The World of the Senses: Evoking various sensations and creating exquisite, often exotic, atmospheres. Frequent themes include princesses, Versailles salons, beautiful gardens

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20th and 21st Century Spanish Poetry: Movements and Poets

1. Spanish Poetry from the Civil War to the Present

2. Main Poetic Trends

1930s: Poetry centered on social injustices and human suffering. Miguel Hernández is a key figure. During the Civil War, poetry was marked by ideological exaltation and combat.

1940s: After a period of exaltation of the empire, neoclassicism and existentialism dominated. The poet Garcilaso’s work evolved from elusive poetry to other proposals. Mid-decade saw a poetic movement concerned with human suffering and anguish. Additionally,

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Modernism and the Generation of ’98 in Spanish Literature

Modernism and the Generation of ’98

1. Modernism

Modernism and the Generation of ’98 are two important literary movements in early 20th-century Spain. Modernism surged in Latin America around 1880 and arrived in Spain in 1898 with Rubén Darío’s second visit. This movement was influenced by two streams of French poetry:

  • Parnassianism: Emphasized the beauty and perfection of form, with authors focused on creating artistic works.
  • Symbolism: Sought to find the essence and deeper meanings of reality through
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20th Century Spanish Drama Before 1939: From Modernism to Lorca

20th Century Spanish Drama Before 1939

Late 19th and Early 20th Century

In the late 19th century, Spanish theatre was dominated by “high comedy” as represented by Echegaray and his followers. These melodramas sought to thrill audiences with dramatic effects and often gory scenes. However, the evolving public taste and limited interest from theatre managers prevented significant renewal of the theatre scene.

The first third of the 20th century saw the survival of several theatrical trends:

  1. Bourgeois
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