Ancient Greek Art and Architecture: Temples, Sculptures, and More

Ancient Greek Art and Architecture

Temple of Zeus, Olympia (Libon of Elis) 470-450 B.C.

Architect: Libon of Elis

East Pediment: The seer Iamos.

West Pediment: Apollo; Centaur grappling with a Lapith woman

Metope: Herakles & the Cretan Bull.

Temple E @ Selinus

Sculptured Metopes

Tradition of Sicily: Back chamber where cult statue was located

Doric Frieze

Metope: Zeus and Hera;

Gestures & interactions of the relief carving distinguish divinity. Hera;

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Early 20th-Century Spanish Novel: From Realism to Modernism

Early 20th-Century Spanish Novel

1. Overcoming Realism

In the early 20th century, the dominant style of the Spanish novel was a continuation of 19th-century Realism and Naturalism. These novels typically featured a linear narrative, an omniscient narrator, and a classical structure. However, young writers of the time sought to break away from this tradition and create something radically different.

Renewal: The Generation of ’98

Two main reactions emerged against the established realistic novel:

  • Modernism:
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Miquel Martí i Pol: A Literary Journey Through Realism and Resilience

Born on 19 March 1929 in the town of Roda de Ter, which is located in the county article. This began work in a factory in his village for 14 years. At age 16 became the Rock Verdaguer, and then began writing poems in Spanish. In the 19 years since I wrote poems in Catalan, also, at this age he suffered a serious illness (pulmonary tuberculosis), and was when he decided to devote himself to writing.
In 1956 he married Dolores determining factors, which had two sons. The year 1970 will be diagnosed

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19th Century Spanish Realism: Historical Context, Authors, and Key Works

Realism: Historical and Cultural Context, Authors, and Most Significant Works

In the second half of the nineteenth century, the consolidating capitalist system produced social and political changes. Modern states emerged with central governments, unified legislation, and eventual unification. However, Spain experienced continuous government changes.

Philosophical Movements

  • Positivism: This philosophy emphasizes empirical observation and experience. It posits that only perceived facts or those verifiable
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19th Century Spanish Literature: Romanticism

19th Century Spanish Literature: An Overview

Historical and Social Context

The 19th century in Europe was a period of significant social and political upheaval. The old feudal system gave way to a class-based society, with the bourgeoisie rising to prominence. Population growth, particularly in urban centers, was fueled by industrialization. Liberal ideas flourished, advocating for popular sovereignty, individual freedoms, and nationalism.

In Spain, this period was marked by political instability,

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The Life and Misadventures of Pablos, the Searcher: A Picaresque Novel by Francisco de Quevedo

The Life and Misadventures of Pablos, the Searcher


The Life of Don Pablos, the Searcher, often referred to as simply The Buscón, is a “pseudo-autobiographical” picaresque novel by Francisco de Quevedo. Published in 1626, the story follows the misadventures of Pablos, a young man from a morally dubious family, as he navigates a society obsessed with social status and purity of blood. Initially perceived as a tale of overcoming poverty, the novel is now recognized as a social satire that

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