Catalan Literature: Reinaxença and Realism

1. Ode “Homeland” (1833)


The Reinaxença period begins with the publication of the Ode “Homeland” in 1833 in the journal Steam. This ode embodies the ideals of the Reinaxença movement. It was written by Bonaventura Carles Aribau for his employer’s birthday, as both resided in Madrid.


The ode consists of six octaves of Alexandrine verse with a consonant rhyme scheme ABBAACCA.


The ode is divided into three parts: verses 1 and 2 serve as the introduction, verses 3-5 form the

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Renaissance Prose: Idealism and Realism in Spanish Literature

Renaissance Prose



Cavalry Novels

Pastoral Novel

Moorish Novel

Sentimental Novels

Picaresque Novel: Lazarillo de Tormes


Idealist Prose

Cavalry Novels

These novels feature idealized and imaginary scenarios, where noble and handsome heroes rescue women with swords, even though firearms were already known at the time.

Pastoral Novel

Idealized shepherds in an idealized natural setting (locus amoenus) discuss their love and suffering.

Example: The Seven Books of the Diana by Jorge de Montemayor.

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The Generation of ’27: Prose, Poetry, and Key Authors

The Prose of the Generation of ’27

Moving from a strictly literary conception of the avant-garde, the artwork of this generation also expresses the moral, social, and political concerns of its authors. José Ortega y Gasset’s ideas about the novel were a decisive influence. Important elements include originality, unusual scenes, the use of fantasy and imagination, the creation of specific environments, as well as humor, wit, and irony.

Key Prose Writers

Benjamin Jarnés: One of the most important avant-

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20th Century Spanish Theatre: From Sketches to the Absurd

20th Century Spanish Theatre

Early 20th Century Trends

In the early 20th century, Spanish theatre was divided into two main categories: popular entertainment and artistic renewal.

Popular Theatre

This category included:

  • Sketches: Short, comedic plays based on popular stereotypes and settings. Andalusian sketches often featured lighthearted dialogue and emotional themes, while Madrid sketches focused on characters from traditional neighborhoods with humorous language and puns. Some playwrights, like
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Narrative Prose in the Spanish Golden Age: A Guide

Narrative Prose in the Spanish Golden Age

1. Prose Fiction vs. Didactic Prose

Didactic Prose:

Didactic prose aims to teach and offer moral reflections. It often employs satire and irony. Didactic works include:

  • Political treatises
  • Philosophical essays
  • Satirical-moral narratives

These works typically targeted a select audience.

Prose Fiction:

The primary function of prose fiction is to entertain, though it may also contain instructive elements. It strives to blend the marvelous and fantastical with believability.

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The Generation of ’27: A Deep Dive into Spanish Poetry

The Generation of ’27

In the early 1920s, Spanish poetry was dominated by the works of Juan Ramón Jiménez and the avant-garde ideas of Creationism and Ultraísmo. Although these movements declined, young poets began to emerge, reinforcing their presence in Spanish lyricism. This culminated in the 1930s with a major poetic group: the Generation of ’27.

Some poets of this era sought the ideals of Noucentisme and pure poetry. These poets were influenced by Juan Ramón Jiménez, Ramón Gómez de la

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