Latin Expressions Decoded
1. Single Latin Words
Bis: Twice
Surplus: What is spare
Idem: The same (indicates repetition)
Junior: The youngest (originally used to distinguish a son from his senior father)
Memorandum: What to remember (a booklet, notebook, or note)
Unborn Child: What is to be born (legal term for a human fetus)
Referendum: Ad referendum, to consult (submitting a query to voters or their representatives)
Ultimatum: Last call
Quorum: Required number of attendees for a valid vote (from praesentia sufficit quorum, whose
Read MorePostwar Intellectual and Artistic Movements in Europe
Avant-Garde Movements
In the emerging postwar intellectual landscape, avant-garde cultural and artistic movements blossomed in Europe. These movements represented a refreshing change, with followers seeking a social revolution driven by their contempt for traditional societal norms. Key characteristics included a rejection of earlier artistic styles, an emphasis on creativity and originality, experimentation with irrationality, and a playful, often nonsensical approach to art.
Key Movements:
- Futurism
Roman Empire: History, Mythology, Archeology & Phrases
Second Triumvirate & Rise of Augustus
The Second Triumvirate was formed by Octavian, Antony, and Lepidus. Octavian consolidated power by marginalizing Lepidus and defeating Marc Antony and Cleopatra at the naval Battle of Actium in 31 BC. This event marks the beginning of the Roman Empire, with Octavian becoming Emperor Augustus (Princeps).
Augustus held the powers of imperium (supreme military power), protestas tribunicia (right to veto), and Pontifex Maximus (highest religious authority)
Read MoreEvolution of Latin Literature: Epic, Lyric, Theater, History
Epic Poetry
- Narrative poems about legendary or historical events.
- Focus on heroes and the origins of myths.
- Popular Epic: Oral tradition, anonymous authors.
- Cultured Epic: Written by known authors for a defined audience.
- Livius Andronicus (Odusia)
- Gnaeus Naevius (Bellum Poenicum)
- Quintus Ennius (Annales)
- Virgil (Eclogues, Georgics, Aeneid)
- Ovid (Metamorphoses)
- Lucan (Pharsalia)
Lyric Poetry
Expresses personal feelings and thoughts, often set to music.
- Eclogue
- Epigram
- Elegy
- Ode
- Hymn
- Catullus
- Horace
Opinion Journalism and Spain’s Generation of ’27
Opinion Makers and Journalistic Genres
Opinion makers present their views through arguments. Key journalistic genres include:
- Editorial: Reflects the newspaper’s official stance, unsigned, written by the director.
- Column: Offers a journalist’s personal interpretation, signed.
- Letters to the Editor: Readers’ opinions on various topics.
- Critique: Reviews of cultural shows with data and evaluation.
- Humor: Uses jokes to criticize negative aspects of reality.
- Interview: Dialogue between a journalist and a public
The Legacy of the Generation of ’27
Generation of ’27 – Introduction
The Generation of ’27, a term coined by Dámaso Alonso, refers to a group of influential Spanish poets born between 1891 and 1905. These poets, including Pedro Salinas, Jorge Guillén, Gerardo Diego, Federico García Lorca, Rafael Alberti, Luis Cernuda, Dámaso Alonso, and Manuel Altolaguirre, shared a strong friendship and cultural exchange, particularly through their time at the Student Residence in Madrid. They were university professors with similar educational
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