Realism and Modernism in Spanish Literature

Realism in Spanish Literature


Realism aimed to reflect contemporary life authentically. It was based on the observation and description of the world around the writer.

The Rise of the Bourgeoisie

The bourgeoisie, a powerful social class, held conservative positions. This class experienced significant growth in Western Europe due to industrial and commercial development.

Social Conflict

The urban proletariat began to demand their rights, leading to clashes with the bourgeoisie. These conflicts

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Ancient Greek Literature: Oratory and Historiography

Oratory in Ancient Greece

In the Greek world, oratory, or eloquence, was an integral part of life. Ancient Greece was a predominantly oral culture, and the ability to convince or persuade others was essential for achieving any objective. The development of democratic institutions further emphasized the importance of public speaking. Greek citizens had to articulate their political ideas in the assembly and defend themselves before juries.

The Sophistic Movement

The Sophistic Movement was the first

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Exploring American Literary Realism and Regionalism

Bartleby, the Scrivener

Bartleby: Eccentric, mentally ill, repeats the same answer, lives in the office, looks like death. Lawyer: (narrator) sees opportunities to help Bartleby change. The Lawyer chose Bartleby because he looked beneficial upon first meeting him. He is looking for a beneficial influence, but this is not going to be fulfilled.

Other Scriveners

  • Turkey: Compared with the sun (more active in the morning). He depends on food and good clothing. He is short and about 60 years old. Not very
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Influential Writers: From Munro to Achebe – Exploring Literary Landscapes

Alice Munro

Alice Munro is one of the most important short-story writers of her generation. Her fiction combines spareness and realism with magisteral vision and expansiveness. Munro’s signature approach to the short story, in which she uses a simple style to produce complex and potent effects, has influenced many of her contemporaries. She has published several collections of short stories, and most of them are written in the first person, often from the perspective of women whose voices and experiences

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Life and Works of Lope de Vega and Calderón de la Barca

Lope de Vega


Lope de Vega was born in Madrid to humble origins. He was self-taught and worked as a secretary for nobles. His work is marked by his active love life. He was banished for writing a satire against a lover who had abandoned him. He later eloped with a woman he called Belisa in his compositions. He remarried a widower, immortalized as Camila Lucinda in his poems. After the death of his wife and his son Carlos Felix, he was ordained a priest and stopped writing. In 1616, he fell in

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The Literary Legacy of Henry James: Exploring International Themes and Psychological Realism

TEMA 12: Writing on Slavery

The Divided Nation

The abolition of slavery in the British Empire in 1830 significantly impacted the United States, further dividing the already fractured nation. The anti-slavery climate in the Northern states clashed with the pro-slavery sentiment in the South. This tension culminated in the Fugitive Slave Act of 1850, which further inflamed the debate. The election of Abraham Lincoln as President in 1860 ultimately led to the secession of Southern states and the outbreak

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