Narrative Prose in the Spanish Golden Age: A Guide

Narrative Prose in the Spanish Golden Age

1. Prose Fiction vs. Didactic Prose

Didactic Prose:

Didactic prose aims to teach and offer moral reflections. It often employs satire and irony. Didactic works include:

  • Political treatises
  • Philosophical essays
  • Satirical-moral narratives

These works typically targeted a select audience.

Prose Fiction:

The primary function of prose fiction is to entertain, though it may also contain instructive elements. It strives to blend the marvelous and fantastical with believability.

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The Generation of ’27: A Deep Dive into Spanish Poetry

The Generation of ’27

In the early 1920s, Spanish poetry was dominated by the works of Juan Ramón Jiménez and the avant-garde ideas of Creationism and Ultraísmo. Although these movements declined, young poets began to emerge, reinforcing their presence in Spanish lyricism. This culminated in the 1930s with a major poetic group: the Generation of ’27.

Some poets of this era sought the ideals of Noucentisme and pure poetry. These poets were influenced by Juan Ramón Jiménez, Ramón Gómez de la

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Miguel Hernández Gilabert and Other Spanish Poets

Miguel Hernández Gilabert (1910-1942)

Miguel Hernández Gilabert (Orihuela, October 30, 1910 – Alicante, March 28, 1942) was a Spanish poet and dramatist. From humble beginnings, he had to leave school early to work. However, he still developed his capacity for poetry thanks to being an avid reader of classical Spanish poetry.

Part of the literary circle in Orihuela, where he met Ramon Sijé and established a great friendship with him. In 1930 he began to publish his poems in magazines such as El

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Spanish Theater from 1900 to 1936

Spanish Theater from 1900 to 1936

  • Introduction

    Of all literary genres, drama is the most influenced by external factors. Commercial conditions heavily influence drama because plays require financial investment, and producers want to make a profit. A play will only premiere if the producer believes it will be profitable. They will rarely take risks with innovative works. National theaters are funded by taxes, and their evolution depends on the economic climate. Additionally, audiences tend to be conservative,

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Realism and Modernism in Spanish Literature

Realism in Spanish Literature


Realism aimed to reflect contemporary life authentically. It was based on the observation and description of the world around the writer.

The Rise of the Bourgeoisie

The bourgeoisie, a powerful social class, held conservative positions. This class experienced significant growth in Western Europe due to industrial and commercial development.

Social Conflict

The urban proletariat began to demand their rights, leading to clashes with the bourgeoisie. These conflicts

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Ancient Greek Literature: Oratory and Historiography

Oratory in Ancient Greece

In the Greek world, oratory, or eloquence, was an integral part of life. Ancient Greece was a predominantly oral culture, and the ability to convince or persuade others was essential for achieving any objective. The development of democratic institutions further emphasized the importance of public speaking. Greek citizens had to articulate their political ideas in the assembly and defend themselves before juries.

The Sophistic Movement

The Sophistic Movement was the first

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