The Poetry of Juan Ramón Jiménez and Antonio Machado

Juan Ramón Jiménez (Moguer 1881 – Puerto Rico 1958)

There are constant búsquedas in J.R.J.’s peculiar quest to explain his work’s evolution. These are summaries of the many critical explorations of the stages of Spanish poetry from Modernismo to other proper forms. The evolution of his work can be divided into three stages:

1st Stage: The Sensitive Stage (1915 – early 1920s)

Early books: Jiménez began to write at 17 years old. His sample poems are of a post-romantic, Bécquerian tone – adolescent.

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The Golden Age of Spanish Literature: From Modernism to Noucentisme

Poetry: Juan Ramón Jiménez

Among the poetry of Modernism, the Generation of ’98, and the Generation of ’27, several figures stand out, though perhaps not as prominently. These include José Moreno Villa and, notably, León Felipe, with his colloquial and emotionally charged poetry.

However, the poetic landscape of these years is dominated by the work of Juan Ramón Jiménez (1881-1958), winner of the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1956. While it’s challenging to categorize him within a specific movement,

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A Comparative Study of Juan Ramón Jiménez and Antonio Machado’s Poetry

Juan Ramon Jimenez

(Moguer1881-P.Rico1958) There are 1cnstant bsqeda JRJ pculiar q explk his work evlcn.Xeso s rsum MNCs rcrrids xl ls dsd espñla poetry Modrnsmo acia l autre PrPi frmas.El ACKAGING evlcn to rdjo its LS3 fass sgntes:


EPCA snsitva , 1915 ast cmnzs dsd ss aprxmdmnt.
Ls prmers librs: cminza to scrbir cn17añs.Ss sample poems sn d un d posrrmntcsmo becqerian tno one adlscnte.Snembrgo, accuses the tmb mu prnto infljo sees mdrnsta cm s ss d VIOLT prmrs librs Souls and nymphs.

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A Comparative Study of Juan Ramón Jiménez and Antonio Machado’s Poetry

Juan Ramon Jimenez

(Moguer1881-P.Rico1958) There are 1cnstant bsqeda JRJ pculiar q explk his work evlcn.Xeso s rsum MNCs rcrrids xl ls dsd espñla poetry Modrnsmo acia l autre PrPi frmas.El ACKAGING evlcn to rdjo its LS3 fass sgntes:


EPCA snsitva , 1915 ast cmnzs dsd ss aprxmdmnt.
Ls prmers librs: cminza to scrbir cn17añs.Ss sample poems sn d un d posrrmntcsmo becqerian tno one adlscnte.Snembrgo, accuses the tmb mu prnto infljo sees mdrnsta cm s ss d VIOLT prmrs librs Souls and nymphs.

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The Poetry of Juan Ramón Jiménez and Antonio Machado

Juan Ramón Jiménez (Moguer 1881 – Puerto Rico 1958)

There are constant búsquedas in J.R.J.’s peculiar quest to explain his work’s evolution. This is a summary of the many paths explored in Spanish poetry from Modernism to other proper forms. The evolution of his work can be divided into the following three stages:

1st Stage: Sensitive Stage (1915 – early years)

His first books: He began to write at 17 years old. His sample poems are of a post-romantic, Becquerian tone – adolescent. However, the

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20th Century Spanish Literature: From Dictatorship to Democracy

Spanish Literature in the 20th Century

The Dictatorial Regime (1936-1975)

After the Civil War (1939-1949)

Consequences of the war:

  • Strong repression of Republican supporters.
  • Suppression of basic rights.
  • Rigid censorship.
  • Complete break with previous literary trends.
  • Exile of many writers.
  • Existentialist angst and uprooting as prominent themes.

The 1950s

Spain opens up:

  • Cooperation agreement with the U.S.
  • Entry into the UN.


  • Critical attitude towards the oppressive environment.
  • Denunciation of injustice.
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