Generation of ’98: Spain’s Literary Rebirth

The Generation of ’98: A Literary Reflection of Spain

Key Themes: Spain and Existentialism

The Generation of ’98, a group of Spanish writers, essayists, and poets, grappled with two primary concerns: the state of Spain and the meaning of human life, often exploring existential questions. Within these broad themes, several characteristic features emerge in their work:

  • The Castilian Landscape: The landscape, generally the impoverished landscape of Castile, is depicted not realistically but subjectively.
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Spanish Generation of ’27: Key Poets & Evolution

The Poetic Group of ’27: A Silver Age of Spanish Literature

Around 1920, a group of exceptionally talented writers emerged, known as the Generation of ’27. This group was particularly noted for its poetic contributions.

The most prominent poets of the Generation of ’27 were:

  • Rafael Alberti: Born in El Puerto de Santa María. His early work, Marinero en tierra, reflected neopopularist trends. The influence of Surrealism is evident in Sobre los ángeles. Later, his civic and social concerns were expressed
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The Generation of ’27: Poetry, Themes, and Evolution

Pure Poetry and the Inauguration of *Cántico*

Pure poetry: The tendency inaugurates with Jorge Guillén when publishing Cántico, a book that follows in the footsteps of Juan Ramón Jiménez, with a poetry that seeks to express the fullness of being.

Developments in the Generation of ’27

Early Stage

Early Stage: This is the time when poets publish their first books. Gerardo Diego was earlier with his creationist works. At this stage belongs Marinero en tierra by Rafael Alberti.

Stage of Maturity


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Spanish Literature: Generation of ’14 and Generation of ’27

The Generation of ’14 or Noventiscismo

Movement led by José Ortega y Gasset, with a European vision of reality, reflecting on Spain from a less dramatic perspective than the Generation of ’98. Avant-garde art was conceived as a game of chance, guided only by originality and creative freedom. Ramón Gómez de la Serna and the Chilean Vicente Huidobro introduced it to Spain, initiating Creationism, a movement that conceived of poetry as creation rather than an absolute representation of reality.


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Spanish Poetry and Theater Trends: Post-War to Pre-War

Spanish Poetry and Theater Trends

Poetry After G.27

Latest styles = G.27 rescued from the 50s … Topics: rexaza the previous delo concptual cold and for the intimacy and emotion. urban issues, life Cottian, AUTOBIOGRA tone, feelings of love, loneliness .. Prefers + ekilibrada poetry of rhetoric. colokial language. classical meter, free verse.


  • Neosurrealism: G.27 and related posgu.
  • Neorromanticism: Issues (noxe, death)
  • Poetry of Silence: Valente’s poetry continuous, short verse, leave verbal exes.
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19th-Century Spanish Literature: Realism and Romanticism

Realism and Naturalism in 19th-Century Spain

Realism. Features: Analysis and classification of reality, preference for the novel, contextualizing contemporary objectivity, social criticism.

A) Narrative. Evolution:

  • Prereality: Ferran Caballero (The Seagull), Pedro E. de Alarcón (The Three-Cornered Hat).
  • Realism. Features: Likelihood, universality, social issues, time frame, space frame, objective narration.


  • Traditionalists: Pereda (Peñas Arriba), Palacio Valdés (The Lost Village), Father Coloma
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