Spanish Literature: From Baroque to Realism and Naturalism


What they sought in the Baroque era and did the difficulty breaking the balance between form and content in the Renaissance has always been important.

Culteranismo: The head of culteranismo was Góngora. In culteranismo, the balance between form and content of further developing broke the way they always did everything much more complicated.

Concept: It’s the opposite of culteranismo, the concepts are much more important as content. They wanted to say much with few words and get by using words

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Languages and Dialects of Spain: A Comprehensive Guide

Languages and Dialects of Spain

3. Language

Language is the system of units and rules that every speaker shares with others who speak the same language.


A dialect is a variant of a language. It can be different based on geographic location or because it is a distinct mode of evolution from the original language.


Speech is the act of performing verbal communication within a language system.

Language Situation in Spain

Spain is home to several languages and is considered a multilingual country.

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20th Century Spanish Lyric Poetry: An Overview

1. The Poetry of the Forties

The Spanish Civil War (1936-1939) marked a significant turning point in Spanish poetry, giving rise to the Generation of 36. This generation was split into two contrasting groups:

Rooted Poetry

This group, which included poets like Luis Felipe Vivanco, Leopoldo Panero, Luis Rosales, and Dionisio Ridruejo, was characterized by a profound religious sentiment and a desire to move past the war. Their poetry often explored themes such as God, nature, love, family, and landscapes.

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19th Century Spanish Literature: Romanticism & Realism

19th Century Spanish Literature: Romanticism and Realism

Romanticism in Spain

Cultural and political movements arose in Europe after the Enlightenment, challenging the established order. Romanticism, a movement based on fantasy, imagination, and feelings, emerged as a reaction against the rationalism of the Enlightenment. Within Romanticism, two main currents can be differentiated: the traditional and patriotic, which exalts the religious; and the liberal and humanist. Spanish Romanticism arrived

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20th Century Spanish Literature: Modernism & Generation of ’27

20th Century Spanish Literature

Modernism (Late 19th – Early 20th Century)

Beginning in Latin America during the late 19th century and coinciding with World War I, Modernism was a literary movement with Rubén Darío as its leading figure.


  • Rebellion against bourgeois aesthetics.
  • Evasion: Setting works in exotic and remote locations.
  • Alternation of melancholic and vital tones.
  • Eroticism.
  • Renewal of poetic language and metrics.

Key Figures:

Rubén Darío (1867-1916, Nicaragua)

Poetry Books:

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Post-Civil War Spanish Novel: From Existentialism to Social Realism

Post-Civil War Spanish Novel

1. Novel After 1936

After the Civil War, a break with the narrative of the Novecentismo generation and the rise of New Realism emerges in the late 1920s.

Postwar Novel Developments:

  1. Propaganda Novel: Represented by authors like Torrente Ballester.
  2. The 1940s: Existentialist Novels: This period features themes of loneliness, inadequacy, frustration, and death. Novels depict individuals struggling against their destinies, often featuring marginalized and rebellious characters
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