Understanding Theft and Fraud: Legal Definitions and Penalties

Theft: Legal Definition and Penalties

Article 234 defines theft as taking items, such as furniture, without the owner’s consent and with the intention of financial gain. The legal benefit is the owner’s right to their property.

Penalty: 6-18 months imprisonment if the value of the stolen items exceeds 300.

Key Elements of Theft

  • Seizure of Movable Property: In cases with multiple owners, it would be considered misappropriation.
  • Without the Owner’s Consent: The act must occur without the owner’s permission.
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John Locke’s Political Theory: Constitutional Monarchy & Liberal State

John Locke’s Political Theory

Locke had a great influence on political theory, upholding the principles of constitutional monarchy against any type of absolute monarchical power. The state model he proposed is derived from a liberal state, where state intervention is minimal and where the source of political power is the people. He even recognized the right to revolt if the elected politicians cease to represent them.

Locke refuted Filmer’s absolutist doctrine and the theory of the divine right of

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Principles of Political Regimes and Rule of Law

Principles of Political Regimes


  1. Popular sovereignty (Rousseau)
  2. National sovereignty
  3. Representative democracy
  1. Head of state is elected
  2. Head of state has a time limit
  3. Government has responsibility
  1. Hereditary chief
  2. Life status of the Head of state
  3. Head of state has no government responsibility

Democratic: when resting on the values of freedom, equality, and justice. + 8 + Technical principles of a certain public character: also the major policy decisions, recognition of an opposition.

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Understanding Direct vs. Representative Democracy

Direct vs. Representative Democracy

Direct democracy is when members of a group participate and vote at meetings where decisions are made that affect the entire group. This type of democracy can be applied in small groups or associations where the number of people is manageable enough to assemble and discuss common problems.

Some problems that arise when direct democracy is practiced include a lack of respect for the rules of serious dialogue, manipulation, deceit, and concealment of important information.

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Principles of Governance: Rule of Law, Theocracy, and Democracy

Principles of Governance

  • Rule of Law: The constitution of a state where the law is the highest instance, applicable to both rulers and the ruled. It implies that the law determines who exercises authority, ensuring that rulers abide by the same laws as the governed, ultimately protecting individual rights.
  • Theocracy: A system where the ruler’s authority is derived from a special relationship with a deity, or religious estates sanction the ruler’s power.
  • Naturalism: The belief that nature intends different
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Administrative Litigation: Claims and Court Actions

Administrative Litigation: Key Questions and Answers

Prior Claims and Judicial Actions

Deadline for Filing Labor Action Before the Courts

8. What is the deadline for filing the relevant action before the labor courts after a prior application?

There is no time limit for bringing a claim for which, equally, no effect will arise if the resolution is denied and the worker does not submit an application to the competent authority within 2 months of notification, unless the actions arise from dismissal.


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