Company Formation in Spain

The shareholders or their representatives must appear before a notary public to execute the public deed of incorporation. Subsequently, the public deed of incorporation has to be registered in the Mercantile Register. Upon registration, the company acquires legal status and capacity.

Sociedad Anónima (SA)

Sociedad Anónima (SA) shows certain peculiarities. There is an alternative procedure for incorporation called “successive formation.” Essentially, this procedure involves an offering to the

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Landmark Legal Cases: Marbury, Bad Frog, Palsgraf & More

Marbury v. Madison

President Adams appointed many Federalists to the federal courts, but Madison did not deliver all the commissions. Marbury, one of the appointees, asked the Supreme Court to enforce delivery of the commissions (Judiciary Act of 1789). The court refused Marbury’s request, finding that the relevant part of the Judiciary Act conflicted with the Constitution. Marshall ruled the decision established the evaluation of federal law constitutionality, which is known as judicial review.

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Understanding Employment Agreement Extinction: Causes & Rights

Understanding Employment Agreement Extinction

Types of Leave

Volunteer Leave

According to art. 46.1, employees with at least one year of service can request unpaid leave for a minimum of two and a maximum of five years. The position is reserved, and the employee has a prior right to rejoin the company. The employee must notify the employer within the agreed-upon timeframe. If a vacancy exists, the employee returns to work. If no vacancy exists, the employee waits for one. Failure of the employer to

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Marriage and Adoption: Legal Requirements and Effects

Marriage: Legal Requirements and Effects

MARRIAGE: A legal act where both parties participate willingly, resulting in personal and/or property legal effects. Marriage is a contract that must meet specific validity requirements:

  • CONSENT: Both parties must agree freely, without violence or error (both must be aware they are marrying each other).
  • CAPACITY: Minimum age requirements (with parental consent): Men: 14 years old; Women: 12 years old.
  • PURPOSE: To establish personal relationships, not merely
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Legal Terms and Definitions: A Comprehensive Glossary

Legal Vocabulary


Murder: Unlawfully and deliberately killing someone

Manslaughter: Killing someone by accident through a dangerous act

Pickpocketing: To steal from someone’s pocket without them realizing

Blackmail: To demand money or something different from someone in return for not revealing compromising information

Mugging: To take something by force from someone

Theft: Stealing, usually secretly and without violence

Shoplifting: To steal things while pretending to shop

Smuggling: To bring illegal

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Understanding Employment Contract Suspension

Suspension of the Employment Contract

Grounds for Suspension: Listing and Analysis

This document outlines the various grounds for suspension of an employment contract.

a) Suspension by Mutual Agreement

Suspension can be based on the mutual desire of both the employer and the employee.

b) Temporary Disability and Maternity/Paternity

  • Having a joint or occupational disease.
  • Having an accident (work-related or not).

In the case of ordinary or occupational disease and accidents, the suspension lasts up to 12

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