Understanding Employment Contract Suspension
Suspension of the Employment Contract
Grounds for Suspension: Listing and Analysis
This document outlines the various grounds for suspension of an employment contract.
a) Suspension by Mutual Agreement
Suspension can be based on the mutual desire of both the employer and the employee.
b) Temporary Disability and Maternity/Paternity
- Having a joint or occupational disease.
- Having an accident (work-related or not).
In the case of ordinary or occupational disease and accidents, the suspension lasts up to 12
Read MorePublic Contracts and Civil Servant Regulations Explained
Item 11: Public Contracts
Lists 4 supply contracts and public services.
SUPPLY: gasoil contract for heating a concierge, computer purchases, the Ministry of Defense contract with arms manufacturers, contract with Interior Ministry for police uniforms.
PUBLIC SERVICE: telecommunication services, computer services, advertising, legal services.
What are the obligations of a public supply operator?
- Guarantee individuals the right to use the service by paying, where appropriate, approved rates.
Read MoreUnemployment & Widow’s Benefits in Spain
Legal Unemployment Benefits in Spain
The unemployment benefit is one of the Social Security benefits that was introduced later in Spain compared to other Social Security systems. Many countries still do not provide this benefit or have not ratified Convention 44 of the International Labour Organization (ILO). In Spain, this benefit is expressly mentioned in Article 41 of the Spanish Constitution (EC). Unemployment protection covers “those who, being able and willing to work, lose their jobs or see
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The Protection of Water Use Rights Through Registration
Introduction: The Water Rights Registry
There are countless records, many legal records, but few garantísticos records.
In legal filings, garantísticos records stand out, aimed at registering publicity purposes of enforceability. Of these, the most typical are the Land Registry, the Registry of Mortgages and Charges, the Register interdiction and prohibition to transfer real estate, and the Registrar of Real Estate. Against this, there are control
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Unipersonal Companies: Sole Proprietorship or Limited Liability
Discussing sole proprietorships.
Definition of Sole Proprietorship
A sole proprietorship is defined as:
- Constituted by a single partner, either a natural or juridical person (original).
- Constituted by two or more partners if all shares have passed to the ownership of one partner (supervening).
Constitution of Original Form
This involves overcoming the idea of the existence of a plurilateral contract as the basis of the business organization.
Read MoreUnderstanding Articles 137 & 147: Spain’s Territorial Organization
Understanding Spain’s Territorial Organization: Articles 137 & 147
Articles 137 and 147, belonging to Title VIII of the Constitution, address the Territorial Organisation of the State. Article 137 clearly explains how Spain is organized territorially. It has a historical equivalent in Title I of the Constitution of the Second Republic, which dealt with the national organization. However, the 1978 Constitution allows for broader autonomy.
This new organization of autonomous communities has resulted
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