MCAD Market Segmentation and Positioning Strategies

Defining and Selecting the Target Audience in MCAD

Once the company has identified opportunities for segmentation of the Mechanical Computer-Aided Design (MCAD) market, it must decide which and how many segments to target.

Rating MCAD Segments

In the assessment of different segments of MCAD, a company must look primarily at two factors:

  1. Attractive structural segment: Size, growth, profitability, economies of scale, and low risk.
  2. Resources and business objectives: The segment must align with the company’
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Strategic Business Analysis and Problem Solving Framework

Focused Summary

Provide a concise summary (5-7 sentences) focusing on the key aspects of the business case. Avoid drawing conclusions about specific companies, products, or services. Highlight key players, critical events, the main organizational problem, and the current decision that needs to be made.


Dedicate one to one and a third pages to identify and describe distinct problems. Each paragraph should:

  • Identify and describe one distinct problem.
  • Provide examples from the case that showcase
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Marketing Channels and Customer Loyalty Strategies

Traditional Marketing Channels

Traditional marketing channels build awareness, inform, persuade, and remind. They provide factual information about services and educate customers about product features and capabilities.

Public Relations to Stimulate Positive Interest

A basic element of public relations (PR) is the preparation and distribution of press releases (including photos and/or videos) that feature stories about the company, its products, or its employees. This stimulates positive interest in

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Effective Marketing and Communication Strategies

Marketing combines a series of operational marketing activities, often referred to as the 4 P’s: product, price, place (sales), and promotion (communication). Businesses determine and shape their actions in the market based on these variables. Communication is a major marketing function that consists of a company’s ability to communicate with the market, with the aim of informing, persuading, and reminding customers or the public.

Key Communication Modalities

  • Publicity: These are various public actions
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Global Market Segmentation and Positioning Strategies

Understanding Global Market Segments

31) The efforts of global companies to reach low-income consumers in developing countries represent:

E) An effort to identify and categorize global market segments.

32) When identifying global market segments, a fundamental guiding principle should be the need to determine:

C) Similar needs and buying behavior.

Demographic Segmentation

33) Demographic segmentation is based on measurable population characteristics. Which of the following is not considered a demographic

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Ethical Research Practices and Methodologies

Ethics in Research

  • Ethics and Individual Respondents:
    • Informed Decision and Informed Consent: Explain all aspects of the research, ensure voluntary participation, and outline the characteristics of the research.
    • Mistreatment: Avoid causing inconvenience, misrepresentation, or requesting unnecessary information.
    • Confidentiality/Privacy: Clearly define what information will be shared, who will have access to it, and provide information about electronic monitoring.
  • Special Populations:
    • Working with Children:
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