Accounting and Financial Statements

Valuation of Assets

Tangible Fixed Assets

Tangible fixed assets should be valued at purchase price or cost of production. In the case of property acquired by gratuitous title, the market value shall be considered as the acquisition price.

Purchase Price: Includes the amount billed by the seller and the additional costs incurred up to its launch.

Cost of Production: For manufactured goods, it is obtained by adding the acquisition cost of raw materials to other costs.

Market Value: Is the price a potential

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Social Security Contribution Liquidation and Payment in Spain


This model is completed by taking into account the contribution base for all employees whose total amounts have been reflected in the model TC2. Each of the parties that divided the model include the following particularities.

1. Identifying Information.

In addition to data identifying the company, the form has boxes for the liquidation period “from” and “until”, which serve to record the first and last month referred to in the settlement. When the settlement

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Economic & Financial Analysis: A Comprehensive Guide

Economic and Financial Analysis: Definitions

Information System Functions

Any information system performs three functions: selecting relevant economic processes, processing the selected information, and reporting.

Analytical Techniques

Analytical techniques or tools are means that allow us to discuss the company, bearing in mind factors such as the sector it belongs to, company size, or comparison with data from other companies. The most used are:

  • Static Analysis: This is done through data related to
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Financial Calculations Exercises

1 .- Telefónica bought shares late last year to 15.85 euros. Today, two and a half months later, is trading at 14.14 euros. What is the compound annual percentage rate on my investment?

a) -10.79%
b) -2.35%

C) -42.19%

d) -51.79%
We just have to replace the formula under the composite type, expressing the time in years:
14.14 = 15.85 * (1 + i) ^ (2.5/12), and therefore po, i = (14.14/15.85) ^ (12/2.5) -1 =- 0.42188
2 .- A commercial paper maturing in 175 days, with a nominal value of 1500 euros,

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Primary School Math Curriculum: 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Cycle

First Cycle

Block 1. Numbers and Operations

Natural Numbers

  • Figures and numbers.
  • Natural numbers less than a thousand: reading and writing.
  • Expressing numbers in daily life situations.
  • Numerical order. Using ordinal numbers. Comparing numbers in familiar contexts.
  • The Decimal Numbering System: Place Value of figures.


  • Operations with whole numbers: addition and subtraction.
  • Multiplication as a sum of equal summands and vice versa. Multiplication tables.
  • Speaking about operations and calculations.
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Econometrics: Models, Variables, and Parameters


Econometrics combines mathematical and economic theory to build econometric models.

Model Theory

1. Models

A model is a simplified representation of economic reality, expressed in mathematical terms.


2. Requirements of Models

  • Represent economic reality
  • Have supporting theoretical content
  • Be a simplified representation
  • Be expressed mathematically

3. Elements of a Model

A model consists of three elements:



  • Y = Endogenous variable
  • x = Predetermined variable
  • a = Intercept parameter
  • b = Slope parameter
  • ε
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