VAT and IRPF Obligations for Self-Employed in Spain

VAT and IRPF Obligations for the Self-Employed in Spain

Value Added Tax (VAT) Obligations

Article 164 of the VAT Law outlines the obligations of taxpayers, including the following:

Books and Records

The VAT Regulations require the following books:

  • Record Book of Invoices Issued
  • Record Book of Invoices Received
  • Record Book of Investment Goods
  • Record Book of Certain Intra-Community Transactions

These books can be replaced by other registration systems, provided they can provide the required data and ensure

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Key Concepts in Accounting: A Comprehensive Review

Accounting Principles and Practices

Conceptual Framework

Accounting Principles Part I:

  1. Business Principle (Going Concern): The company operates for an unlimited time.
  2. Accrual Principle: Revenue and expenses are recognized when they are earned or incurred, regardless of when cash changes hands.
  3. Consistency Principle: Maintain consistent evaluation criteria over time.
  4. Principle of Conservatism (Prudence): Recognize potential losses when they are probable, but only recognize gains when they are realized.
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Tax Dependency and Income: Key Concepts

Qualifying Child and Relative Tests

18) Which of the following relationships does NOT pass the relationship test for a qualifying child? C) Cousin.

19) Anna is a 21-year-old full-time college student (she plans on returning home at the end of the school year). Her total support for the year was $34,000 (including $8,000 of tuition). Anna covered $12,000 of her support costs out of her own pocket (from savings; she did not work), and she received an $8,000 scholarship that covered all of her tuition

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Understanding Functions and Their Properties

A function is a relation between two variables, such that for each value of the first variable (magnitude), there corresponds one and only one value of the second. The first variable is known as the independent variable. The dependent variable is the one whose values are determined from the values of the independent variable.

Key Concepts of Functions

  • The domain of a function is the set of values of X for which there is a corresponding Y value (image).
  • The range of a function is the set of Y values
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Compustat Capitalization: Calculation and Applications

Unit 3: Compustat Capitalization

1. Calculating Capitalization in Compustat

We consider (1 + i)n a capitalization selection factor. In the case of Compustat capitalization, this factor shifts a given amount from one moment to a later one.

S (1 + I)NL-Factor updates the Compustat capitalization, shifting a given amount from one moment to an earlier one. That is, it shifts negative translations of capital.

2. Calculating Initial Capitalization in Compustat

Regardless of the capitalization regime applied,

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Understanding Legal, Economic, and Financial Concepts

Legal, Economic, and Financial Concepts

Legal: Patrimony provides for a set of goods, obligations, and rights, obtaining X. Unlike equity (Assets + Net + Rights = Patrimony + Obligations).

Economic: Financing = Liabilities (Capital + Liabilities). Inversion = Active (Real + Rights).

Financial: Expresses the set of assets, obligations, and rights as monetary equivalents. Assets = Liabilities, duly valued.

Accrual Accounting

Accrual is the application of accounting magnitudes to a concrete time period

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