Primary and Secondary Data Sources: Collection Methods
Primary and Secondary Data Sources
Primary Source
Definition: Data collected directly from the original source.
Description: First-hand data gathered specifically for the current investigation.
Example: Surveys, interviews, and experiments conducted by the researcher for their own research purpose.
Secondary Source
Definition: Data that already exists and was collected for a different purpose.
Description: Second-hand data gathered by others and used for a new analysis.
Example: Reports, academic papers,
Read MoreMath Problem Solutions: Equations, Geometry, and Proofs
Math Problem Solutions
Solving Equations
21: Adding the two equations and dividing by 10, we get: x + y = 10. Subtracting the two equations and dividing by -2, we get: x – y = 1. Solving these two new equations, we get, x = 11/2.
Geometry and Circles
30: Let ABCD be the rhombus circumscribing the circle with center O, such that AB, BC, CD, and DA touch the circle at points P, Q, R, and S respectively. We know that the tangents drawn to a circle from an exterior point are equal in length.
- AP = AS (1)
- BP
SQL Database Schema and Queries for Restaurant Management
Group 23 Project SQL DDL and DML
Employee Table
CREATE TABLE Employee ( employeeID INT IDENTITY(1000,1) NOT NULL, employeeName VARCHAR(40) NOT NULL, employeeDOB DATE NOT NULL, employeeSalary NUMERIC(7,2) NOT NULL, employeeTitle VARCHAR (20), CONSTRAINT pk_employeeID PRIMARY KEY (employeeID) );
Utility Company Table
CREATE TABLE UtilityComp ( ucompID INT IDENTITY(2000,1) NOT NULL, ucompName VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL, ucWebsite VARCHAR(40) NOTRead More
Understanding Random Perturbation in Economic Models
Understanding the Random Perturbation Term
The term u, often denoted as a random perturbation, captures the randomness present in the relationships between economic variables. Instead of using deterministic equations, introducing a stochastic term, ui, is more appropriate to represent economic reality. This term accounts for numerous small factors that globally affect the dependent variable, Y, but are not explicitly included in the equations. In essence, it represents the sum of all explanatory
Read MoreCost-Volume-Profit Analysis: Key Concepts and Calculations
Cost-Volume-Profit Analysis
Cost-volume-profit (CVP) analysis is used to determine how changes in costs and volume affect operating income and net income.
Assumptions of CVP Analysis
- Sales price per unit is constant.
- Variable costs per unit are constant.
- Total fixed costs are constant.
- Everything produced is sold.
- Costs are only affected because activity changes.
- If a company sells more than one product, they are sold in the same mix.
- CVP analysis requires costs (manufacturing, selling, and admin) be identified
Quantitative Research: Interval Scales and Questionnaires
Understanding Interval Scales
The interval scale is a type of metric scale that focuses on quantitative values. An interval scale can always be divided into equal portions. This means the difference between any two values is equivalent to the difference between any two adjacent values of an interval scale.
The most common example is a Celsius temperature scale in which the difference between the values is the same. The difference in temperature between 10 and 20 degrees is the same distance as between
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