Nutrition’s Impact on Academic Performance and Well-being

Reflecting on this topic, I will speak as a student, a common person, and as a future teacher. Not everyone is fully aware of how crucial food is and the significant impact it has on our day-to-day lives. It goes beyond affecting our stomach with physical pain; it is directly connected to our learning and academic performance. Therefore, I will address essential points here, based on my personal experience and also supported by scientific evidence, discussing how our food choices can influence us

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Understanding High Blood Pressure: Causes and Risks

Amilcar Rios Reyes

System Platform in Cuzco (Peru)

“Many people say that they consider health as a priority in their life, but smoke, drink too much, and do not pay attention to what they eat.”

Dr. Lair Ribeiro – from his book: Increase Your Self-Esteem.

What is High Blood Pressure (HBP)?

It is a systemic disease characterized by chronically elevated blood pressure above normal values.

Traditionally, it is considered Hypertension (HTA) when blood pressure numbers are equal to or greater than 140 mmHg

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Combating Obesity: A Global Health Challenge

The Global Obesity Challenge

Obesity is a significant worldwide health concern. Over 66% of adults are classified as obese or overweight, and 1 in 6 children are considered obese. But what exactly does obesity mean? How does it develop, and most importantly, how can we address it?

Understanding Obesity

There are several contributing factors to obesity. One primary cause is an unbalanced diet. A balanced diet consists of varied foods providing adequate nutrients for good health. Consuming too much

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DataDot Technology, Ethical Fashion, Food Allergies, SAD, Euthanasia, Music, Veils, Zoos, Travel, Immigration, Big Bottle, Eating Disorders, British Emigration, Colon Cancer

DataDot Technology

DataDot, F, T, F, T, own, transportable, fallen, inanimate.

  1. Because it is easier to mark items and to identify them.
  2. Thieves used to steal cars for their parts, but now, each part can be identified, so it’s harder for thieves to sell them.

Ethical Fashion

Ethical, F, T, F, F, encourage, coating, rinsed, mainstream.

  1. Part of the profits are reinvested in local community projects.
  2. They are an example of organic material that is used to make modern fashions.

Food Allergies

Food, F, T, T, F,

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Essential Obstetrics and Gynecology Terms

Medical Instruments and Procedures

  • Mask: Cover for the face to avoid contamination.
  • Syringe: Instrument to apply or extract fluids.
  • Cotton swab: Instrument used to get a sample.
  • Pap smear: Preventive exam to detect cervical cancer.
  • Uterine curettage: Scraping of the uterus.
  • Sonogram: A visual image produced from an ultrasound examination.
  • Speculum: A metal instrument that is used to dilate an orifice or canal in the body.
  • Hysterometer: Instrument for measuring the depth of the uterine cavity.
  • Incubator:
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Skin Care & Beauty Terms: Acne, Treatments, and More

Skin & Beauty Glossary

ACNE is a skin problem characterized by painful red bumps on the skin.

APPOINTMENT is an arrangement to meet someone at a specific time and location.

To ARRIVE at a place is to reach it.

ASTRINGENT is a liquid that causes skin to tighten and become firmer.

BLACKHEAD is a black spot on the skin.

A BOULEVARD is a wide street in a city with trees along each side.

A BREAKOUT is the occurrence of many skin problems at one time.

BUSINESS HOURS (horario de oficina) are the hours during

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