Child Abuse and Neglect: Types, Signs, Prevention, and Risk Factors

Child Abuse and Neglect


Basic Human Needs:** Adequate nutrition, movement, functional family, secure relationships, social interaction, and sufficient environmental stimuli are crucial for healthy child development.

Child Abuse and Neglect (CAN) Syndrome:** Neglect or maltreatment leading to growth and developmental disorders.

Child Maltreatment:**

  • All forms of abuse and neglect of a child under 18 by a parent, caregiver, or someone in a custodial role.
  • Categories: Physical, sexual, emotional
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The Impact of the Internet on the Doctor-Patient Relationship: Ethical and Practical Considerations


The internet has provided doctors and patients with easy access to medical information. This has the potential to transform the doctor-patient relationship by encouraging shared decision-making. However, it also presents ethical and practical challenges, particularly regarding virtual consultations and telemedicine. This article explores these challenges, focusing on issues of privacy, confidentiality, informed consent, and the financial aspects of online medical practice.

Bioethics and Moral

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Ancient Mayan Clothing: A Glimpse into Mayan Culture

The Maya and Their Exquisite Clothing

A Legacy in Textiles

The Mayan culture stands as a pinnacle of Mesoamerican art and a testament to human ingenuity. With roots dating back to 500 BC, the Maya flourished during the Classic period between the 4th and 10th centuries AD. During this era, their clothing became renowned as some of the most diverse and elaborate in Mesoamerica. This article delves into the fascinating world of Mayan attire, exploring its intricacies and cultural significance.

Men’s Fashion:

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Ancient Mayan Clothing: A Glimpse into Mesoamerican Fashion and Hierarchy

The Maya and Their Exquisite Clothing

A Legacy in Textiles

The Mayan culture stands as a pinnacle of Mesoamerican art, and their clothing traditions offer a fascinating glimpse into their world. With roots dating back to 500 BC, the Maya reached their zenith during the Classic period (IV to X century AD). This era saw the development of intricate clothing styles that reflected the societal structure and artistic prowess of the Mayan people.

Men’s Fashion: From Simplicity to Grandeur

The maxtlatl, a

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Occupational Carcinogens & Cancer Prevention: A Comprehensive Guide

Occupational Carcinogens, Genotoxicity, and Carcinogenicity

Background: What are Carcinogens?

Carcinogens are substances capable of causing carcinogenesis. They can be classified into different types based on their origin and mechanism of action:

  • Various origins: radiation, infectious agents, chemicals, etc.
  • Genotoxic Carcinogens: Directly damage cellular DNA, leading to uncontrolled cell division and tumor formation.
  • Non-Genotoxic Carcinogens: Do not directly affect DNA but promote tumor growth through
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A History of Books: From Papyrus to Parchment

UD01. History of Books

1.1. Papyrus

A basic element used in Egypt since 1800 BC, papyrus was used for making baskets, clothing, shoes, ropes, and as a writing support.

Papyrus is a reed with a triangular section that may reach 3 meters tall. It grows wild on the banks of the Nile and in other regions such as Syria, Palestine, and Ethiopia. To create a writing surface, the papyrus bark was removed (and reused). The stem was cut into thin slices, which were deposited on a wet table, overlapping each

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