The Impact of Low-Cost Airlines & Other Societal Trends
The High Price of Low-Cost Airlines
They have expanded the market, leading to an increase in flights. However, air travel has the most detrimental ecological impact of all transportation methods.
- No, only a minority will contribute financially, which isn’t an effective alternative to a political solution.
- True: “At first sight … thanks to near-full capacity usage” (Lines 5-6)
- True: “A two-day shopping trip … would remain a luxury … without these carriers” (Lines 8-9)
- True: “It is still the traveler’s
Glossary of Filmmaking and Life Stages Terminology
Filmmaking Terminology
A list of items to be discussed at a meeting.
Archival Footage
Film or video footage from the past that can be used in other films.
Armed With
Furnished with weapons.
Audio Engineer
A person whose job is to alter and balance the levels of different sounds as they are recorded.
To get rid of a service, system, or someone’s job.
To support.
To decide or say officially that something is not allowed.
An offer by a person or a company to pay a particular amount of money
Read MoreClinical History Documentation in Hospital and Primary Care
Clinical History Documentation
Hospital Care
Clinical history is a comprehensive record of patient information gathered during hospital care, including outpatient and inpatient services. It should contain all relevant documentation.
Structure and Order
- Patient Identification and Statistical Data: Collected upon admission, this section includes name, address, contact information, date of birth, sex, and a unique patient history number.
- Admission Sheet, Case History, and Clinical Exploration: Completed
Cardiac Conditions: A Paramedic’s Guide
Module 1: Cardiac Basics
Cardiovascular Disease (CVD)
CVD is an umbrella term encompassing coronary artery disease, heart failure, stroke, peripheral artery disease, and others.
History Taking (CVD)
- Current event history (e.g., hypertension, hypercholesterolemia, or diabetes)
- Past medical history
- Family and social history (smoking)
- Surgical and medication history
Common Cardiac Complaints
- Chest pain
- Dyspnea (SOB)
- Dizziness/syncope/fatigue
- Unexplained nausea with or without vomiting
- Swollen ankles, abdominal
Delirium: Assessment and Management in the Emergency Department
Delirium is characterized by:
- Disturbance of consciousness: Reduced clarity of environmental awareness, with diminished ability to focus, sustain, or shift attention.
- Change in cognition: Memory deficit, disorientation, language disturbance, or perceptual disturbance.
- Presence of a general medical condition: This is usually assumed rather than specified.
- Clinical subtypes: Hypoactive, hyperactive, and mixed.
Key Features
- Recent onset of fluctuating awareness
- Impairment of memory and attention
- Disorganized
History of Drug Use and the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act
A Brief History of Drug Use
Early Therapeutic Drugs
In approximately 1500 B.C., opium and castor oil were first documented as therapeutic drugs. This period saw the rise of centralized religions in Egyptian and Babylonian societies, a decline in shamanism, and an increased emphasis on formal rituals and rules.
The Ebers Papyrus (approx. 1500 B.C.) is the earliest known collection of prescriptions. It contains over 800 prescriptions for various ailments, many containing ingredients we wouldn’t consider
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