Risks of Sedentary Lifestyles and Drug Effects
Risks of Sedentary Lifestyles
1. People who are physically inactive have an increased risk of colon and breast cancer. One study showed a 40% decrease in cancer mortality in persons who were physically active compared to those who were inactive.
2. Physical activity helps prevent insulin resistance, the underlying cause of type 2 diabetes. A recent study reported that for every 2 hours that a person watched TV, the risk of type 2 diabetes increased 14%.
3. Regular physical activity helps reduce the
Understanding Diabetes: Types, Symptoms, and Consequences
—-Diabetes type 1:
is characterized by a lack of insulin production ———-Diabetes type 2:
is caused by the body’s ineffective use of insulin; it often results from excess body weight and physical inactivity———-Diabetes insipidus DI:
excessive thirst and excretion of large amounts of severely diluted urine. (Central DI
-involves a deficiency of antidiuretic hormone, is a neurological form-Nephrogenic Diabetes insipidus
-Kidney or nephron dysfunction: insensitivity toOccupational Hazards Prevention and Safety Measures
Define Health as a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being, not just the absence of disease and pain.
An occupational risk is the possibility that a worker suffers an injury on the work carried out for another.
A serious and imminent risk is when it is reasonably likely to materialize in the immediate future and may cause serious harm to health.
Damage is any injury arising from work, illness, or disease that you suffer as a result
Burns and Lower Back Pain: Assessment, Recovery, and Treatment
Natural vs Man-Made Disasters: Impact, Response, and Management
Natural vs Man-Made Disasters: Impact, Response, and Management
-Natural Disaster>> Man madeNatural Example: Bubonic Plague (Yersinia Pestis)Man Made: Chernobyl
-Today there is a Weaving Of Man Made & Natural Disaster —-> Smallpox reemergence/Disease outbreak due to Rapid Travel Ability!
Disaster Med Definition:
^^Disaster Def:
-”Bad Star ” in Greek -Serious disruption of SocietyFunction, Causing Widespread human /Material orenvironmentalLoss, Exceeding theabilityofSocietyto cope with |
Breastmilk Nutrition and Infant Development
Breastmilk Nutrition: Benefits and Production
Reduce infection, antibodies immunity (IgA), protect against allergies, asthma, SIDS, skin-to-skin, taste introduction, and digestible (less gas) – recommended until 6 months or iron formula, vitamin D supplements, 2x living cells as blood, avoid if chemo, TB, HIV, herpes. Milk production: prolactin due to suckling and oxytocin. Colostrum: clear yellow, more concentrated with immunity and nutrients, less fat. Assess/implement latch, audible swallow, nipple,
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