Classical Music Era: Symphony, Sonata, Opera & Composers

The Symphony Orchestra

The symphony orchestra is a group comprised of about a hundred instruments, mostly string, but also including sections of brass, woodwind, and percussion. Other types of orchestras include the chamber orchestra, string quartet, wind quintet, band, jazz band, and rock and pop groups.

Neoclassical Art and the Enlightenment

The new philosophy of the Enlightenment and archaeological discoveries about classical antiquity promoted the establishment of neoclassical art. Architectural

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Romantic Music: Creation, Composers, and Instruments

How to Build Romantic Music

Romanticism seeks more emotional expression and the predominance of imagination.

  • Use rich modulations, harmonies, chromaticism, and dissonance.
  • The melody is still important, becoming passionate and lyrical.
  • The orchestra expands greatly, especially in the horn section.
  • It seeks the unity of the work with new systems such as the leitmotiv.

The Romantic Periods of Music

  • First Romance: A romantic rebel, eager for freedom and novelty.
  • Second Romanticism: Romanticism is represented
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Renaissance and Humanism: Art, Culture, and Thought

The Renaissance and Humanism

The Rise of Humanism

Humanism, a movement of cultural rebirth, originated in Italy in the 15th century and spread throughout Europe in the 16th century. Its main features include:

  • A new way of thinking based on classical culture, reviving ideas from ancient Greece and Rome.
  • Humanists focused on the human being and their relationship with nature.
  • They believed that the human being, not God, was the center of the world and culture, possessing free will.
  • Trust in humanity and
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Musical Styles and Composers: From Enlightenment to Classicism

The Enlightenment

The Enlightenment was the 18th-century epoch marked by rationalism. Its features are:

  • The inspiration to create a cultured society
  • Questioning God
  • Compilation of the nature of scientific knowledge
  • Artistic interest in the ancient

Rococo (Style Galant)

Style Galant was the dominant ideal and is called the galant term. Characteristics:

  1. Polyphony was abandoned, and counterpoint was subordinated to companions.
  2. The parties to the main melodic line.
  3. The bass line acts as a support for the voice.
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Musical Expression in Early Childhood Education

The Importance of Musical Expression

Musical expression is an artistic expression of children’s perceptions, ideas, and thoughts. The expression of musical language and body in basic education is based on the teaching process. It is essential for life and is part of the sound that surrounds the child. It is a system of education. Musical expression prepares the child’s soul, body, and voice, and everything musical that surrounds them.

The Importance of the Child in Development

Fundamental knowledge

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Robert Schumann’s Piano Works: Romanticism and Musical Innovation

In the nineteenth century, with the advent of Romanticism, piano music became a personal art form. Music was one of the leading preoccupations of the Romantic literary movement in Germany, which attributed to music the power to express the most subtle and powerful emotions better than any other artistic medium. Romanticism in music was a movement of both theatrical technical skill and subjective intimacy. Masters of keyboard composition, like Schumann, struck at virtuosity with its own weapons,

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