Verbal and Non-Verbal Communication in Foreign Language Classrooms

Communication in the Foreign Language Classroom

This essay aims to study verbal and non-verbal communication. For this purpose, I will divide the topic into three main sections. In the first part, I will deal with the concept of communication. Then, I will address the types of communication. In the second part, I will deal with communication in the classroom by developing the concepts of communicative language teaching and non-verbal communication. For illustrative purposes, I will firstly center

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Enhancing Writing Skills: Techniques and Ideas for Students

Educational Resources: Drawing

While dictation is a typical exercise for spelling, and multiplication and division for calculation, writing is a comprehensive activity of expression. Its open, divergent, and adaptive nature makes it one of the best practices for written language. In fact, most of us learned to write by creating weekly essays on varied topics, which were then corrected by the teacher. This common practice is being challenged by new methodologies and the communicative approach, which

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Language and Communication: Process and Functions

Language and Communication

Communication is a knowledge-sharing experience between people. It is done through different languages. Communication means a linear process in which a transmitter transmits information to a receiver through a channel.

The Communication Process

Communication is studied as a process that necessarily involves a transmitter, receiver, message, channel, code, and context, situation, or referent.

  • Transmitter: Encodes and delivers the message.
  • Receiver: Receives the message, decodes,
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Foreign Language Acquisition: Communication and Cultural Insights

Unit 4: Valuation of Foreign Language Knowledge as a Means of Communication

Getting to Know a New Language and its Culture


Language is the main means of human communication. Learning a foreign language is no longer a luxury in today’s international world. It also promotes mutual understanding, tolerance, and respect for the cultural values of others, as well as broadening the mind. This chapter will deal with the development of students’ positive attitudes towards a foreign language

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Foreign Language Teaching: Methods and Approaches

Many different methods and approaches have been devised in the search for the best way of teaching a foreign language. It is advisable for the English teacher to be aware of all the methods available; they’ll be able to find more efficient and effective ways of teaching. In this unit, we will study widely-known approaches and methods and their influence on the story of FLT.

The Traditional Approach: The Grammar-Translation Method

This method derives from the traditional approach to teaching languages

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Understanding Linguistics: From Structure to Application

Linguistics: From Structure to Social Impact

Linguistics is the scientific study of both the structure of natural languages and the knowledge that speakers have of them. The field of linguistics may be divided in terms of three dichotomies: synchronic versus diachronic linguistics, applied linguistics versus theoretical linguistics, and microlinguistics versus macrolinguistics.

Synchronic and Diachronic Linguistics

A synchronic description of a language describes the language as it is at a given time.

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