The Outsiders: A Story of Loyalty and Redemption
The Outsiders: A Story of Gangs and Brotherhood
Ponyboy’s Introduction to the Greaser Life
Ponyboy Curtis, a young member of the “greasers” gang, is attacked by their rivals, the “Socs”, after leaving a movie theater. His older brothers, Darry and Sodapop, and other greasers come to his rescue. The following night, Ponyboy, along with fellow greasers Dally and Johnny, meet Cherry and Marcia, two Soc girls, at a drive-in. While Cherry rejects Dally’s advances, Ponyboy finds himself connecting with
Robinson Crusoe: A Symbol of Colonialism and the Prodigal Son
ROBINSON CRUSOE 1719 (Daniel Defoe)
First person narrator, the first word of the book is the pronun “I” which is followed by : “was born in York”.
Robinson Crusoe is a man who stayed 28 years marooned on an island. (Robin- Robinsnades). In the end, he becomes servant and then is rescued and finally returns to England. Es considerado un subgenero en si mismo.
On the left, before starting the novel. Nos da la impresion de que Crusoe se encuentra encerrado en la isla, sin escapatoria.
Read MoreUnderstanding Software Architecture: CAP Theorem, Design Principles, and Quality Attributes
CAP Theorem
The CAP theorem states that any networked shared-data system can have at most two of three desirable properties:
Immediate Consistency (C)
Equivalent to having a single up-to-date copy of the data. A system is consistent if a modification is applied to all nodes in the same logical time, and therefore, when the information is retrieved, all data returns the same result. All nodes see the same information at the same time.
High Availability (A)
Each request received from a node must have a
Understanding Software Architecture: CAP Theorem, Design Principles, and Quality Attributes
CAP Theorem
The CAP theorem states that any networked shared-data system can have at most two of three desirable properties:
- Immediate Consistency (C): Equivalent to having a single up-to-date copy of the data. A system is consistent if a modification is applied to all nodes in the same logical time, and therefore, when the information is retrieved, all data returns the same result. All nodes see the same information at the same time.
- High Availability (A): Of that data (for updates). Each request
Banking & Finance Vocabulary: Essential Terms & Phrases
Banking and Money Vocabulary
- Money: Dinero
- Loose change: Cambio suelto
- Coins: Monedas
- Pennies: Céntimos
- Notes: Billetes
- Bank notes: Billetes de banco
- Cheque: Cheque
- Bank book: Libreta bancaria
- Paying in book: Libro de ingresos
- To deposit / making a deposit: Ingresar / Hacer un ingreso – pagar en su cuenta bancaria
- To withdraw / making a withdrawal: Retirar / Hacer un retiro – sacar dinero de su cuenta bancaria
- To debit: Cargar en cuenta – retirar dinero de una cuenta
- To credit: Abonar – añadir
Medical Ethics and Radiation Safety: A Comprehensive Guide
Medical Ethics
Amoral: A lack of or indifference to moral standards
Bioethics: Also called biomedical ethics; the moral dilemmas and issue of advanced medicine and medical research
Compassion: ability to have a gentle, caring attitude toward patients and fellow employees
Cost/benefit analysis: also called utilitariaism, an ethical approach in which the benefit of the decision should outweigh all costs
Empathy: the ability to understand the feelings of another person without actually experiencing the
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