Contours, GPS, Map Data, and Cartography
Contours and Profiles
Contours and Profiles: What is the process of contouring?
What is a Contour/Isoline?
A contour, or isoline, is a line that connects data points of equal measure, such as points of equal elevation. Contours indicate elevation and changes in elevation. Almost any type of variable that occurs in the natural world can be represented with isolines.
Rules for Drawing Contours/Isolines
- Lines cannot cross one another.
- Lines typically extend to the edge of the map and must have a label indicating
Crew Resource Management: Enhancing Flight Safety
Crew Resource Management
What is Cockpit/Crew Resource Management?
- CRM is the effective use of all resources to achieve safe and efficient flight operations. It is an extension of pilot judgment to the multi-person flight crew.
- The primary focus of CRM is on communications within and outside the cockpit, engaging ALL available resources.
- CRM was started by UAL around 1990 as a way to reduce crew/human errors in airline flying.
Objective of Crew Resource Management
The broad objective of CRM is to enhance
Read MoreCurriculum Development: Principles and Planning
Curriculum: Think, Analyze, Design
Software, Organized
Why Teach – Learn?
Purpose, goals, high ideals.
- Why teach? To achieve objectives.
- Why learn? To develop skills.
What to Teach – What to Learn?
- Conceptual
- Procedural
- Attitudinal
Who to Teach – Who Learns?
Any person subject to education: children (A) …
How to Teach – How to Learn?
Methodology, Instructional Strategies
When to Teach – When to Learn?
Time: chronological and psychological.
With What to Teach – With What to Learn?
Learning Resources
Read MoreUnderstanding Business Structures, Value Creation, and Leadership
Business Structures and Key Concepts
A Private Limited Company (Ltd) is a business owned by one or more shareholders, where their liability is limited to their initial investment. The company is registered and required to submit annual financial reports and ownership changes. Shareholders are often family members or close friends, and they typically also manage the business. This type of company offers protection of personal assets and is suitable for businesses involving significant capital investment
Read MoreEffective Problem Solving and Decision-Making Techniques
Problem Solving Strategies
Our minds actively select and interpret sensory data. Typically, we transform and organize external data so that they fit our existing mental framework. There are three aspects of problem-solving:
It is the first step in problem-solving. The importance of problem representation is shown by the fact that a problem represented or categorized in one way may be difficult to solve, while the same problem represented differently may be solved easily.
Strategy and
Read MoreBusiness Administration and Leadership Essentials
Business Management and Administration Process
The management administration process is where administrators create a suitable environment in the company, coordinate the actions of individuals and the rest of the company’s resources, and perform activities to meet objectives efficiently. It should be:
- Effective and efficient: Achieve the objectives as they are reached.
- Human Element: This is fundamental.
Administrative Process
The administrative process is divided into four parts:
- Planning: Achieve set