Business Management: Structure, Leadership, and Communication

Chapter 10: Organizational Structure

Organizational structure refers to the levels of management and division of responsibilities within an organization.

A job description outlines the responsibilities and duties to be carried out by someone employed to do a specific job.

Delegation means giving a subordinate the authority to perform particular tasks. It is very important to remember that it is the authority to be able to perform a task — it is not the final responsibility.

Chain of command is the

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Teaching as a Profession of Care and Responsibility

Teaching as a Profession of Care

Aristotle distinguishes between theory and practice. Theory is the knowledge of the universal and necessary, what cannot be otherwise. Practice is knowledge of the particular and therefore contingent. He distinguishes between:

  • The production of technical or artistic artifacts, which he calls poiesis (making, theoretical knowledge, actions taken by the man created for an external result).
  • The moral and responsible action of the subject, to which he reserves the name
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Self-Learning, Halo Effect, Stereotyping, and Management


Self-learning is the process of acquiring knowledge, skills, or understanding independently, without direct instruction or guidance from others.

Key Features:

  • Autonomy: The learner takes initiative and responsibility for their learning.
  • Adaptability: Utilizes resources like books, online materials, or experiments to explore topics of interest.

Halo Effect

The Halo Effect is a cognitive bias where an individual’s overall impression of a person, brand, or entity influences their judgment about

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Consultant Roles, Interventions, and Organizational Diagnosis

Key Functions of a Consultant

  1. Provide information that is not obtainable from other sources.
  2. Analyze information using complex methods that are not accessible to clients.
  3. Diagnose complicated commercial or organizational problems.
  4. Empower clients.
  5. Listen, offer support, encouragement, and advice in difficult times.
  6. Help implement difficult and unpopular decisions.
  7. Provide feedback regarding certain types of behavior, using their external perspective.
  8. Provide unbiased information.
  9. Make decisions and give
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Product Design and Use Testing: Key Concepts

Key Concepts in Product Design

Defining Design and its Role in Innovation

1. How can design be defined? Design has been defined as “the synthesis of technology and human needs into manufacturable products.

2. What is the role of design in technology-driven innovation? The role of design is to modify the product so it can accommodate the performance characteristics.

3. What is the role of design in market-driven innovation? Design modifies the product so that it meets customer expectations.


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Strategic Planning, Decision Support, and Data Migration

Strategic Plan

The strategic plan is a formal document that outlines a company’s strategy for a specific period, typically 3 to 5 years. It is created by managers, directors, and entrepreneurs. The plan is quantitative, providing figures to be achieved and describing how to obtain them, and time-bound, indicating the timeline for achieving these figures.

The strategic plan includes three main points:

  • Objectives

    A goal is a fact not directly dependent on the company, formed by the equation: sum + term

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