Effective Sampling Techniques and Validity in Research
Sampling Techniques and Validity in Research
Defining the Population of Interest
A population is the group of people that you want to make assumptions about. For example, if you want to know how much stress college students experience during finals, your population is college students.
Determining the Sampling Frame
A sampling frame is the group of people from which you will draw your sample. For example, your sampling frame might be every student at the university where you work.
Selecting a Sampling
Read MoreUnderstanding Health: Determinants and Promotion
Understanding Health: Determinants and Promotion
Definition of Health
- Old Definition: Health is a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being.
- Current Definition (WHO): Health is “the ability to realize aspirations and satisfy needs and to change or cope with the environment.”
Major Determinants of Health
- Social factors
- Economic factors (often outside individual and collective control)
- Environmental factors
Factors Describing Population Health Status
- Life expectancy:
- Example (Czech Republic)
Evaluation Methods for Healthcare Clinical Documentation
Characteristics of Evaluation Methods
The following points highlight crucial aspects of evaluating clinical documentation in healthcare:
- Any evaluation process should involve and educate all members of the healthcare team.
- Seeking healthcare documentation that meets minimum design characteristics clearly allows for evaluation, such as being accessible, having a unique identification number, size and design standardization, and being properly written and organized.
- The evaluation process must be continuous,
Understanding Sampling, Convolution, and Fourier Transforms
Sampling Theorem
The sampling theorem, also known as the Nyquist-Shannon theorem, states that to accurately reconstruct a continuous signal from its samples, the sampling frequency must be at least twice the highest frequency present in the signal.
Nyquist Frequency
The highest frequency present in a signal is known as the Nyquist frequency. It represents half of the sampling frequency.
If the sampling frequency is too low relative to the signal frequency, a phenomenon called aliasing occurs.
Read MoreInsurance: Disability, Life, Dental, Accident & More
Disability Insurance
Provides financial protection to cover income loss from a covered disability.
Individual and Group Short-Term Disability
Replaces a portion of your employees’ income if they have an accident or illness and can’t work. Optional features include protection for psychiatric and psychological conditions and waiver of the elimination period for hospitalization. Also, now offering a solution to complement and supplement Paid Family Medical Leave (available in select states).
Life Insurance
Read MoreBiblical Sermon Structures and Series Preaching
Understanding Sermon Components
- Topic: Another name for subject or theme.
- Text: A passage of scripture.
Characteristics of a Textual Sermon
- The text should not be longer than four verses.
- The main point may come from the text or topic.
- The problem and solution steps come from one text and its context.
Textual vs. Expository Sermons
- Textual Sermon: Based on a scripture text, usually no longer than four verses.
- Expository Sermon: Explains a text in detail and is usually five verses or longer.