Understanding Bias in Assessments and Social Service Planning

Understanding Bias in Assessments

Biases are factors and effects that can distort the validity of an internal or external evaluation. There are different types:

  • Instrumentation bias: Occurs when the assessment instrument itself introduces differences between the subjects involved. For example, the language used in the test can have different levels of difficulty for some subjects and others. In open questionnaires, bias may arise from the evaluator’s interpretation of the responses.
  • Non-reactive program
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Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning Essentials

What is Pattern Recognition?

Pattern recognition (PR) is a process of recognizing patterns in data. The different stages of pattern recognition are:

  • Preprocessing: The input data is preprocessed to remove noise and irrelevant information and to normalize it.
  • Feature extraction: The relevant features are extracted from the preprocessed data. This step is crucial, as the quality of the features extracted directly impacts the algorithm’s performance.
  • Feature selection: A subset of the extracted features
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Understanding Group Dynamics and Roles

Negative Roles in Group Dynamics

  • The Offender: A person who operates by humiliating, attacking, taunting aggressively, and creating division and strife.
  • The Occluder: A person who tends to be negative and stubbornly refuses to cooperate and facilitate teamwork.
  • The Recognition Seeker: A person who boasts at work, showing off to attract attention and gain prestige through admiration.
  • The Confessor: A person who uses the opportunity provided by the group setting to present their guidelines that are irrelevant
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Healthcare Systems: DRG, PCMH, ER Visits, and More

Diagnosis-Related Group (DRG) Payment System

The Diagnosis-Related Group (DRG) payment system provides financial incentives to decrease the duration of inpatient stays and to increase service delivery efficiency. It provides more incentive for hospitals to spend just what is needed to achieve optimal patient outcomes. If hospitals spend more, they absorb the excess cost.

Patient-Centered Medical Homes (PCMH)

Patient-Centered Medical Homes (PCMH) provide continuous and coordinated care throughout a

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Key Figures and Theories in Developmental Psychology

Francis Galton and Eugenics

Francis Galton advocated for selective breeding to improve the human race. He believed in preventing individuals deemed “unfit” from having children and encouraging those deemed “fit” to reproduce at younger ages. Galton argued that scientists could accelerate and enhance the natural selection process.

Erik Erikson: Trust vs. Mistrust

Erik Erikson proposed that in childhood, we develop a sense of trust or mistrust based on our early experiences. According to Erikson, if

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Hospital Functions, Bed Management, and Clinical Documentation

Hospital Functions and Procedures

Record Income From Request

  • Inclusion on the waiting list: Application maintenance, dissemination services.
  • Income Programming: Programming earnings, book bed, diffusion to services and nursing units, the patient notice.
  • Bed Management: Assignment of beds, transfers, isolation control, maintenance of bed census.
  • Hospital Episode Registration: Registration of patient data entry, data recording discharge.
  • Demand for Qx: Register of patients awaiting Qx, record keeping, LEQ,
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