Essential English-Spanish Vocabulary for Educators & Parents
Essential English-Spanish Vocabulary for Educators
This resource provides a helpful list of common English words and their Spanish translations, useful for educators and parents involved in early childhood education.
Classroom Essentials
- Academic, academico: Everything related to education.
- Always, siempre: Story time is always at 6.
- Arrival, llegada: At the time of arrival, each child puts their coat on their hanger.
- Baby wipes, toallitas: Baby wipes are used to clean children when they need a diaper
Understanding Sports, Writing, and More: A Comprehensive Look
Are You Interested in Sports?
My uncle is a writer, and his books are very popular.
We live in the city center, and our house doesn’t have a big garden.
People and Activities
There are a lot of people outside the school; what’s the problem?
Cathy is playing a game on her computer at the moment.
Paul is very shy; he doesn’t go out a lot.
Requests and Instructions
Would you like to come out with us tonight?
Dad’s at work right now; he’s a teacher.
Did you go shopping after school yesterday?
Daily Life and Events
Read MoreAldecott School Sports Facilities & The New Neighbor Story
Report: Sports Facilities at Aldecott School
The sports facilities offered at my school are generally very good, although there are one or two things that can be improved. For example, we have a good football pitch, but the changing rooms are very old.
Last year, our town council gave local schools money to improve their sports facilities.
Our school used the money to buy new equipment for the gym. We now have exercise bikes and treadmills, as well as weight machines in the gym. In addition, we have
Read MoreVocabulary for Understanding Action and Adventure Stories
Essential Vocabulary for Action and Adventure Stories
Aboard: on a plane or a ship.
Advise: to tell someone what they should do.
Aisle: a place between lines of seats (e.g., on a plane, in a theatre) where you can walk.
Ambassador: a person sent to a foreign country to speak for his own country’s government.
Attack (v): to try to hurt someone or something.
Bend: to turn the top half of the body downwards.
Binoculars: very strong glasses used to see things far away.
Cabin: a room on a plane or a ship.
Read MoreVocabulary and Modal Verbs: Fashion & Environment
Vocabulary T1
1) Definitions:
- Trend – Moda
- Willing – Dispuesto/a
- Instant star – Estrella instantánea
- Straight – Derecho
- Passer-by – Pasajero/Transeúnte
- Crew – Personal
- Pursued – Perseguido
- Crowd – Multitud
- Emerged – Surgido
- Fiancee – Prometida
- Tool – Herramienta (can also mean ‘fool’ colloquially)
- Overwhelmed – Abrumado
- Surrounded – Rodeado
- Infatuation – Encaprichamiento
- Pressure – Presión
- Bodyguards – Guardaespaldas
- In the spotlight – En el punto de mira
- Lavish – Prodigar/Lujoso
- Idol – Ídolo
- Models – Modelos
- Outrageous
Mastering English: Present Progressive, Future Plans & More
Present Progressive for the Future
Going on = Used for scheduled events on specific days of the week.
Use the present progressive to talk about definite plans in the future.
The present progressive uses the present simple of ‘be’ and the ‘-ing’ form of a verb.
Where is Ginny going? (¿Dónde va Ginny?)
She is going to Padre Island.
When is she going? (¿Cuándo ella se va?)
She is going on Sunday. (Ella se va un domingo)
What time is she leaving? (¿A qué hora ella se levanta?)
She is leaving at
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