Mastering Effective Listening for Better Communication

Listening Skills

Effective listening is only accomplished through constant effort. Most people aren’t willing to put out the effort required to become a truly effective listener. We might spend more energy on this skill if we realize its importance.

According to research, we understand only about one-half of what we hear. After a period of two months, we recall only about one-quarter of what we heard. This is particularly discouraging when we realize that we spend 70 percent of every day in verbal

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Second Language Acquisition in Children: Key Factors

**Language Development in Children**

Immediately after birth, children distinguish their language from others. Babies need to learn to communicate in their social context: they start to learn languages they hear in interactions with other humans. They unlearn in order to learn the language they need.

  • Underextension is when a child learns a word for something, without extending it to other things in the same category.
  • Overextension is when a child would learn that the family pet is a dog, but mistakenly
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Effective English Language Teaching Strategies for Children

Understanding Children as Language Learners

How Children Learn:

  • They develop quickly as individuals.
  • They learn by watching, listening, imitating, and doing.
  • They don’t understand complex grammatical rules.
  • They use non-verbal cues to understand situations.
  • They use their mother tongue to process new information.
  • They imitate sounds and adult speech accurately.
  • They are naturally curious and love to play.
  • They enjoy routines and repetition.
  • They have short attention spans and need variety.

Effective Teaching

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Teaching English to Young Learners: Key Principles

Multiple Choice Questions

  1. Which of the following is not a “listen and make” activity?
    c) Simon says.
  2. Language acquisition requires:
    d) All of the above: (a) meaningful interaction in the target language, (b) natural communication, (c) students to produce the language when they are ready).
  3. According to Krashen:
    c) Comprehensible input is important for language acquisition.
  4. Young learners:
    d) B and C (b) are comfortable with routines and enjoy repetition, (c) have a short attention span and need
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Benefits of Happiness Education in Schools

Should Schools Teach Happiness?


Happiness is a universal pursuit. But should schools teach it? This essay argues for integrating happiness education into the curriculum, emphasizing its positive impact on students.

Emotional Well-being

Teaching happiness equips students with emotional tools to navigate life’s challenges. Traditional education often prioritizes intellectual development over emotional growth. Skills like gratitude, resilience, and emotional self-management empower students

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Enhancing Language Learning with Songs, Rhymes, and Chants

Why Use Songs, Rhymes, and Chants?

A Linguistic Resource

  • They allow new language to be introduced, and structures and vocabulary to be reinforced and recycled.
  • They present familiar language in new and exciting forms and in a rich, imaginative context.
  • They provide for lots of natural and enjoyable repetition.
  • They can be used to develop all skills in an integrated way.
  • They help improve all aspects of pronunciation.

A Psychological/Affective Resource

  • They are motivating and fun and help develop positive
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