Carl Rogers and Humanistic Therapy: Understanding Human Nature

Carl Rogers: American Psychologist and Humanistic Therapy

Carl Rogers, an American psychologist, was one of the originators of humanistic therapy. Humanistic therapy suggests that we wear a “mask” to hide aspects of ourselves and conform to societal expectations. As we grow, we adopt different masks to be accepted. Rogers proposed that therapy should help us remove these masks and find genuine happiness. Happiness is often seen as corny, but humanistic theory encourages embracing it.

Rogers’ Method


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Plato’s Republic: Justice in Ancient Athens

Plato’s Republic: A Dialogue on Justice

Historical Context

Plato, a prominent Greek philosopher of the 5th and 4th centuries BC, penned the dialogue *Republic, or On Justice*. This comprehensive work encapsulates the major themes of Plato’s thought during this era. The historical backdrop is the Greek city-state of Athens, which had recently been defeated in the Peloponnesian War and subjected to the hegemony of aristocratic Sparta.

Two of Plato’s uncles were involved in the Spartan-backed government,

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Human Evolution: From Primate Ancestors to Modernity

Differences Between Our Ancestors and Modern Humans

Biochemical, Anatomical, and Genetic Differences

While the biochemical and genetic differences between us and our ancestors are not vast, we differ significantly anatomically, and we are very anthropoid. Key features include:

  • Smaller teeth and jaw size
  • Larger brain size
  • Bipedalism and upright walking

Our development became more complex over time.

Differences in Behavior

We are independent of the environment and have set ourselves apart from other species.

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Methodical Doubt: Descartes’ Path to Certainty

Methodical doubt is the understanding that must be found if only the fundamental truths. The starting point must be an absolutely certain truth about which there can be no doubt, and discard anything that might imply doubt. Doubt is convenient in the previous step to reach certainty and evidence. Man has no certainty about anything, but the need and clear thinking are those in which it is impossible to doubt. From here begins his methodical doubt. Descartes said:

  1. The clearest reason to doubt our
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St. Thomas Aquinas: Faith and Reason in Harmony

St. Thomas Aquinas: Harmonizing Faith and Reason

This fragment belongs to the first track, The Path of Movement, reflected in the work Summa Theologica. In this book, Thomas Aquinas explains the existence of God based on the need for a first mover. For a better understanding of the text, it is necessary to know some biographical data of the philosopher.

Early Life and Education

St. Thomas was born in Rocaseca Castle, near Naples, Italy, in 1225. He performed his early studies in the convent of Benedictine

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Law’s Evolution: Interdisciplinary Study and Historical Roots

How Important is the Interdisciplinary Study of Law?

It is important to establish a relationship between law and other social sciences, to analyze and interpret, in order to understand society in a deep and global way.

How Can History Contribute to Legal Analysis?

History highlights the relationship between law and past policies. It emphasizes the process of emergence and change in historical time, showing that the legal standard is one aspect of the law.

What are Historical Source Documents, Real and

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