St. Thomas Aquinas: Faith and Reason in Harmony

St. Thomas Aquinas: Harmonizing Faith and Reason

This fragment belongs to the first track, The Path of Movement, reflected in the work Summa Theologica. In this book, Thomas Aquinas explains the existence of God based on the need for a first mover. For a better understanding of the text, it is necessary to know some biographical data of the philosopher.

Early Life and Education

St. Thomas was born in Rocaseca Castle, near Naples, Italy, in 1225. He performed his early studies in the convent of Benedictine

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Law’s Evolution: Interdisciplinary Study and Historical Roots

How Important is the Interdisciplinary Study of Law?

It is important to establish a relationship between law and other social sciences, to analyze and interpret, in order to understand society in a deep and global way.

How Can History Contribute to Legal Analysis?

History highlights the relationship between law and past policies. It emphasizes the process of emergence and change in historical time, showing that the legal standard is one aspect of the law.

What are Historical Source Documents, Real and

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Nietzsche’s Critique of Philosophers and Descartes’ Method

Nietzsche’s Critique of Philosophers

Text 1: Nietzsche’s Connection

Nietzsche lists the characteristics of philosophers, whom he accuses of a lack of historical sense and a rejection of becoming. He criticizes their “Egyptianism,” stating, “Everything that philosophers have been handling for thousands of years has been conceptual mummies.” He condemns their adoration of concepts, arguing that all we have done is process and not arrive at anything new and real.

In his rejection of evolution, growth,

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Understanding Human Action: Causes, Consequences, and Freedom

The term action is reserved for the things we do consciously and voluntarily. The word “action” designates the activity of a responsible being, in opposition to the concepts of inertia and passivity. The concept of action is essential when talking about practical philosophy. Action requires the intervention of consciousness and has moral connotations of good and evil deeds.

Causes of Action

A cause is what makes something occur; it is the source of action. Cause is a universal concept. When a cause

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Individual and Society: Exploring the Dynamics of Relationships

Tensions in the Individual-Society Relationship

Individuals are integrated into their social environments. This integration inevitably entails social tensions and conflicts.


Rejection occurs when the majority social group does not accept or recognize certain individuals as full members. This assessment is cultural and depends on each group. Other factors, such as radical, cultural, religious, and economic factors, can also motivate social rejection. Often, these reasons are primarily based

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Las de Barranco: A Story of Dignity and Survival

Las de Barranco: A Literary Analysis

Dramatic Structure

  1. Literary Genre: Dramatic Comedy
  2. Structure: Divided into four acts

The work is structured in four acts. The first two acts introduce the subject, while the third and fourth acts develop the central conflict and resolution.


Doña Maria, the widow of Captain Barranco, struggles to maintain her social status. She uses her daughter, Carmen, as bait to lure young suitors, hoping to gain financial stability through gifts and favors. However, love

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