Understanding Natural and Social Sciences: Truth, History, and Methods
Natural Science: The Scientific Method
Sciences that study physical reality are very varied. Some merely observe, describe, and classify things. Their criterion of truth is the precision of fit to the object studied. Others seek to know the laws governing phenomena and the internal structure of things. They follow the hypothetical-deductive method, which involves:
- Identification of a problem.
- Discovery/invention of a hypothesis.
- Formulation of a hypothesis.
- Testing of the hypothesis.
When the evidence
Read MoreSocial Program Evaluation: Criteria and Methods
Definition of Two Main Parts
Two main parts are worth highlighting. On the one hand, an assessment is not an investigation; the big difference is the value judgments involved in any evaluation. On the other hand, the assessment is restricted to the results. The set of variables that can impact program outcomes are so diverse that they make assessment a complex evaluation.
The activity is a process that requires efficiency, skills, and negotiation abilities. Also, the results can influence many people.
Read MoreJoint Research Techniques: Supplementation & Chaining
Supplementation in Research
Supplementation, in the context of joint research techniques, refers to adding to the results of one research approach with another that is considered secondary. The secondary approach strengthens the primary one. Examples of this include:
- Combining Discussion Groups and Expert Interviews: Discussion groups among average or central populations can be paired with qualitative interviews with experts. The interviews can familiarize researchers with the topic (if done early)
Scientific Knowledge: Methods, Attitudes, and Values
Knowledge of a Scientist
A scientist must know certain facts, terms, and theories related to what we call experimental science. A scientist demonstrates the dominance of certain methods, skills, techniques, tools, and instruments. The scientific nature involves displaying specific attitudes or affect, such as curiosity and others, like feeling satisfaction in learning.
Cotton Test
- Read and care for articles and science news.
- Know how to locate scientific information when needed.
- Manifest critical sense
Educational Resources and Activities in Early Childhood Education
Concept and Classification of Educational Resources
Concept: Teaching resources encompass all human, material, and organizational elements that educators utilize to plan and execute effective teaching and learning processes.
Resources can be categorized based on their nature:
- Human Resources: Teachers, students, families, and other professionals.
Material Resources:
- Informative: Books, videos, photos, slides, computer programs, etc.
- Support: Blackboard, walls, murals, continuous paper, waste material,
Methodological Joints: Integrating Quantitative and Qualitative Research
Methodological validity is achieved by obtaining consistent results using different methods. This is the core of Triangulation, specifically methodological triangulation.
The increased activity of subjects observed in the research process ensures that observation methods are not perceived as an external imposition. This is the core of Joint Integration, which shares features with joint chains but adds a crucial element: the participation of the observed subjects. These participants contribute