Mastering Ball Launches and Receptions: Techniques for Young Athletes
The chosen theme for the teaching unit, launches and receptions, belongs to the classification of basic motor patterns. These are the basis for children to discover their body and interactions with the environment and will contribute to future development of motor skills. Also, within the skills, we will work on balloon launches and receptions, as they are playful, stimulating, easy to implement, and can be transferred to different sports such as football, basketball, handball,
Read MoreWarm-Up Essentials for Athletes: Enhance Performance & Prevent Injuries
Warm-Up Essentials for Athletes: Enhance Performance and Prevent Injuries
Heat is a very common term used throughout the language associated with physical activity. You cannot have a physical education class, a training session, or competition sports activities without a good warm-up.
The warm-up can be tailored for different sporting disciplines, according to the objectives of each, and the peculiarities of the movements and actions both during sports practice and when taken as part of a class of
Read MoreEffective Classroom Management and Teaching Techniques in Physical Education
Improving Classroom Organization and Time Management
Strategies to Optimize Time in Each Session
a) Time Program
- We cannot increase time, but we can avoid reducing it.
b) Useful or Functional Time
- Students are often motivated to take a long time to change and access sports facilities.
- Set rules that limit the time spent in the locker room.
- Establish strict rules to enforce punctuality at the start of the session.
- Shorten administrative procedures, such as attendance roll control, during the session.
- If feasible,
Volleyball Rules and Gameplay: Scoring, Fouls, and Strategy
Volleyball Rules and Gameplay
Court Dimensions and Setup
The net height is 2.43m for men. The field of play is a rectangle of 18 x 9 m, surrounded by a free zone of at least 3 m wide on all sides. The free play space is the space above the playing area free of obstructions and must be not less than 7 m in height from the floor.
Objective of the Game
The object is to send the ball over the net to the opponent’s side, preventing them from doing the same. The team has three touches to return the ball (
Read MoreUnderstanding Health, Disease, and Human Needs
Understanding Health and Disease
Defining Health
According to Virginia Henderson: Health is defined as the individual’s ability to function independently in relation to the fourteen basic needs, similar to Maslow’s hierarchy.
According to Dorothy Pray: Health is a concept inseparable from physical, psychological, interpersonal, and social factors.
According to Peplau: Health consists of interpersonal and psychological conditions that interact. It is supported through interpersonal processes.
Read MoreSport in Society: Participation, Trends, and Impact
Sport: A Social Phenomenon
Sport is a social phenomenon. Everybody plays sports; it’s fashionable, and we can see it in the media, in advertisements, and so on. Sport encompasses various aspects:
- Driving situation: There are teammates and opponents who try to cooperate or make our actions more difficult.
- Game: Free participation to have fun.
- Competition: A desire for self-improvement.
- Rules: They must exist to define the characteristics of the activity.
- Institutionalization: An institution must state