Handball Fundamentals: Drills and Techniques

Handball Fundamentals: Drills and Techniques


Hilt – This involves handling the ball with one hand, using the distal phalanges of the five open fingers and the palm in a slightly concave shape.

Remarks: The fingers should cover the largest possible surface of the ball. They must exert pressure to keep it secure. The pressure exerted by the thumb is crucial.

Front Grip – Always use both hands, parallel and slightly concave, facing forward. One-handed reception is also commonly used by athletes.

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Motor Control Theories: A Comprehensive Analysis

Theory Overview:

Motor Control Theories

Reflex Theory

Reflections are the building blocks of complex behavior, working together or in sequence to achieve a common purpose. The conception of a reflex requires three structures: a receiver, a conductive pathway, and an effector.

Limitations: Reflexes cannot be considered the basic unit of behavior; a sequence of reflexes does not explain the ability to produce movement.

Clinical Implications (CI): A patient’s motor behavior should be interpreted in terms

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Anatomy of the Human Joints and Ligaments

Joints and Ligaments of the Human Body

Spine and Head

Joints of the Spine with the Head

Occipital Joint

Connects the occipital bone’s condyles with the atlas’s articular processes. Reinforced by the capsule and ligaments.

Atlantoaxial Joint

Comprises two joints:

  • Atlantoaxial (connects the articular processes of the atlas and axis)
  • Atlanto-odontoid (connects the atlas’s outer arch to the axis’s dens)

These joints are reinforced by ligaments.

Spinal Joints

Joints of the Vertebral Bodies

Cartilaginous joints formed

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Spinal Deviations, First Aid, and Musculoskeletal Injuries

Spinal Deviations


Kyphosis is characterized by an excessive outward curve of the spine, resulting in a rounded upper back (hump).


Hyperlordosis is a pathologically accentuated physiological lumbar lordosis, or an excessive inward curve of the spine.


Scoliosis is a lateral deviation of the spine, often caused by hereditary factors or poor posture.

Vertebral Column

The vertebral column, or spine, is composed of 33 vertebrae and forms our principal structural support, enabling

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History and Evolution of Corporeal Expression

Source E C.

Decade of the 60s: Turning Point of Corporeal Expression

In 1921, José Luis Moreno founded an improvisational theater complex, shifting therapeutic action towards psychodrama. In 1923, Jacques Coplan EC used the term, including classical and modern dance, theater, and mime. He aimed to communicate through bodily activities, seeking more than simple creation and improvisation. In 1924, Coplan founded the Parisian School of Dramatic Art, using mask work for actors to release verbal language

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Volleyball: History, Rules, and Playing Techniques

Volleyball: A Complete Guide

Early History

Invented in 1895 by William G. Morgan in Holyoke, Massachusetts, as “Mintonette,” the game aimed to provide a less physically demanding sport than basketball. A year later, Dr. Halstead of Springfield renamed it “Volleyball.” Initially, it used a tennis or badminton net (1.98m high) and a basketball.

The YMCA spread the sport across the USA and, by 1914, the world. England introduced it to Europe. By 1916, it boasted 200,000 players. Spain adopted it in

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