Human Skeletal and Muscular Systems: A Comprehensive Overview
Anatomy of the Human Skeletal and Muscular Systems
Axial Skeleton
The axial skeleton consists of 80 bones, including the skull and craniofacial bones, the hyoid bone, the spine, the ribs, and the sternum.
Appendicular Skeleton
The appendicular skeleton comprises 126 bones, forming the upper and lower limbs.
Key Bones and Joints
- Paranasal Sinuses: Ethmoid, frontal, sphenoid, and maxillary.
- Mastoid Spine: Located in the temporal bone of the skull.
- Sella Turcica: Found in the sphenoid bone.
- Trochoid Joint:
Workplace Safety and First Aid Essentials
UNIT 19: Introduction
In classroom workshop activities, we use tools and chemicals that can cause accidents. These accidents (knocks, cuts, burns) are common to all types of work. Today, laws govern all aspects of health and prevention of occupational hazards. We will examine these laws and how to act in case of an accident.
2. Legislation and Standardization
Occupational health and risk prevention legislation involves the Local Administration, Autonomous Regions, and the Central Administration.
Read MoreCoordination and Balance: Enhancing Physical Skills
Types of Coordination Training
a) General Dynamic Coordination: Using displacement types: start, run, creep, climb, slide. Employing all movement types and variety.
b) Eye-Hand and Manual-Dynamic Coordination: In launching and receiving. Key components: distance, trajectory, speed, collection, receptions (left and right). Exercises for throwing, hitting, and juggling.
c) Eye-Foot Coordination: Establishing a relationship between legs and movement. Based on hitting with different body parts and goals.
Read MoreBasic Motor Skills Development for First Grade
This unit is designed for first-grade students, aged 5-6, from a medium-high socioeconomic and cultural background. The class has 25 students (15 boys and 10 girls), including one child with hearing loss. This student is fully integrated into the class, and the teacher will ensure clear communication by positioning themselves visibly for lip-reading, vocalizing clearly, and emphasizing key points. Visual demonstrations will also be used. These students have basic motor skills (moving,
Read MorePediatric Sensorimotor Development and Rehabilitation Techniques
Hula: Synthesized Human Motor
Objective: Capacity Development Subject Interaction in an Integrated Environment
Interactions: Cognitive, emotional, symbolic, and sensorimotor.
Key Concepts:
- Personality Development: Concrete environments and experiences shape personality.
- Human Development Indicators: Coordination, tonic function, body schema (tonic activity, balance, and body awareness).
Rehabilitation Approaches
Bobath Concept
Aim: To provide movement patterns for optimal motor performance and functional
Read MorePhysical Education Curriculum in Chile
Four Domains for Effective Teaching Preparation
Creating a Positive Learning Environment
Professional Responsibilities
Inclusive Education for All Students
Basic Education Curriculum (NB1 & NB2)
Physical Education (Year 1 & 2)
Fundamental Objectives
- Develop motor skills and body awareness.
- Enhance body management in rhythmic activities and recreation.
- Promote body care and hygiene.
Minimum Content
- Basic motor skills: locomotion, manipulation, balance.
- Gymnastics: basic actions, postural adjustments.