Force Training Methods: A Complete Guide

Force: A Comprehensive Guide


Physics: F = M x A

Physiological: A muscle’s ability to produce force when activated.

Sports: Maximum tension manifested by a muscle at a given time.

Classification of Force

According to Carlo Vittori (1990) and M. Vélez (1991), force is classified based on the causes and mechanisms of muscle contraction. These classifications include:

  • Active Demonstration of Force
  • Reactive Power Manifestation

Active Demonstration of Force

Active force is produced by a simple cycle

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Defensive Strategies in Pelotaris

Defensive Principles

These principles come into play when a team loses possession of the ball.


Markings involve tactical and strategic actions by players to regain ball possession and put their adversaries at a disadvantage.

  • Individual: 1×1, areas, mixed
  • Collective: Combined coverages, swaps, withdrawal, pressing

1×1 Man Marking

A player marks an opponent designated by the coach, following them wherever they go on the field.


  • The adversary is never free.
  • Continuous physical presence.
  • Reduced
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Evolution of Gymnastics and the Rise of Modern Sports

Social Aspects of Physical Exercise

In the nineteenth century, alongside medical and hygienic gymnastics and Enlightenment educational trends, various structured methods of gymnastics emerged. Known as gymnastics schools, four main schools shared a common basis: exercise as motor behavior. These schools were: the German school (military training), the Swedish school (body posture and training), the French School (natural physical education), and the English sports movement (sports regulation and

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Augustus of Prima Porta & Doryphoros: Roman Power & Greek Ideal

Augustus of Prima Porta

Factsheet: Augustus of Prima Porta. Work author unknown, from 19 BC, although the copy dates from the 14th century AD. Roman art, High Imperial period (Julio-Claudian dynasty). Currently in the Vatican Museums.

Analysis: This marble sculpture is a copy made after the death of Augustus, from an original bronze portrait. It was found in Livia’s villa at Prima Porta, outside Rome. Augustus is depicted in a tunic, wearing a muscled cuirass and paludamentum (military cloak) around

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Optimizing Neuromuscular Performance: Speed, Flexibility, Coordination, and Balance

The Essence of Speed

Speed, a fundamental quality of the neuromuscular system, is crucial for optimal physical performance. It’s influenced by factors like flexibility and intermuscular coordination, and has a strong genetic component.

We can categorize speed into:

  • Relative speed: Velocity as a function of distance.
  • Absolute speed: Maximum capacity to act regardless of distance.
  • Reaction rate: Ability to respond to a stimulus.
  • Execution speed: Ability to perform a movement in the shortest time.
  • Acceleration:
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Human Nature and Culture: From Perception to Action

Theme 5: Nature and Culture

Natural is a polysemous term. Its meaning is specified according to what it is contrasted with. We can say that “natural” is the entire cosmos as opposed to the supernatural or divine; or what is a human product compared to what is artificial; or the characteristics of things, or a set of traits that things may have that do not necessarily make them something. Genetically encoded traits are what we are born with. Culture, in the broadest sense, is the set of knowledge

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