Curricular Adaptations and Teaching Strategies: A Guide for Educators

Curricular Adaptations: Meeting Individual Learning Needs

In traditional classrooms, students learn at different paces and have diverse needs. While some thrive in a standard curriculum, others require adjustments to fully engage and succeed. Curricular adaptations are modifications made to the regular curriculum to address these individual differences. These adaptations can range from minor adjustments to more significant changes, depending on the student’s specific needs.

Types of Curricular Adaptations

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Body Movement and Expression in Space: A Comprehensive Guide

Antagonism in Body-Space

Area offers resistance to the moving body. This antagonism, through its various gradations, is the basis for all body work, both from the standpoint of expressive movement and muscle training. The two-pronged approach to the relationship between space and body are:

  1. Space as a moldable material that shapes the body.
  2. The variable volume of the body being transformed by an active space of different textures, consistencies, flexibility, etc.

Tone and Mental Attitude in Positions


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Comprehensive Guide to Muscles, Arteries, Veins, and Innervation of the Lower Limb

Muscles of the Hip and Thigh

Gluteal Region

  • Gluteus Medius and Minimus: Abducts and medially rotates the thigh, and keeps the pelvis level when the opposite leg is raised.
  • Piriformis, Obturator Internus, Gemellus (Superior and Inferior), Quadratus Femoris: Laterally rotate the extended thigh and abduct the flexed thigh; further stabilize the femoral head in the acetabulum.

Anterior Thigh

  • Pectineus, Iliopsoas, Tensor Fascia Lata, Sartorius, Quadriceps Femoris (Rectus Femoris, Vastus Lateralis, Vastus
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Postural Tone and Balance Development in Children

Evolution of Postural Tone and the Center Tonic

The evolution of the sensory-tonic system (SSTS) depends on the child’s maturational level, determined by:

  • Central nervous system maturation
  • Muscle tone maturation
  • Emotions

Key Stages:

  • Birth: The child is hypertonic, exhibiting impulsive movements.
  • 3rd Month: Neck and trunk muscle tone organizes, enabling transitions from lying to supported sitting and eye guidance.
  • 6th-8th Month: Balance in sitting is achieved, arms are freed, and shoulder girdle tone develops.
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Understanding Muscle Tone, Posture, and Balance in Physical Education

Muscle Tone, Posture, and Balance in Physical Education

Muscle Tone

Muscle Tone (ATPE): The state of tension or contraction of a muscle. It forms the foundation for motor and postural activity, reflecting both physical actions and emotional states.

Types of Muscle Tone:

  • Resting Muscle Tone (Base)
  • Postural Tone (Attitude)
  • Action Tone

Posture and Attitude

Postural (Anatomy): Refers to the location and position of body parts, maintained by skeletal muscles opposing gravity. This results in a state of equilibrium

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Understanding Muscle Tone, Posture, and Balance

Muscle Tone

Muscle tone refers to the state of tension or contraction of a muscle. It forms the foundation for motor and postural activity, both in movement and at rest. Muscle tone changes reflect our emotional and affective states.

Types of Muscle Tone:

  • Resting Tone (Base Tone)
  • Postural Tone (Attitude)
  • Action Tone


Posture relates to the location and position of body parts, primarily influenced by skeletal muscles counteracting gravity. It’s our equilibrium in relation to spatial references.



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