P5.js Shape Animation Code Snippets

P5.js Shape Animation

This code demonstrates a simple shape animation using the P5.js library. It creates a shape that moves around the canvas and changes its color and size when it hits the edges.

Code Snippets:

Snippet 1: Color Object

Creates an object to store the color (red, green, blue, alpha) of the shape.

// Create one object to store the color (r, g, b, a)
var shapeColor = {
  r: 0,
  g: 0,
  b: 0,
  a: 255
/* END 1*/

Snippet 2: Variable Initialization

var position = {
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Barrow Test, Disorders vs. Disabilities, Tournament Downsides

Barrow Motor Ability Test

Q1. Explain three items of the Barrow Motor Ability Test?

Ans: The purpose of the Barrow Motor Ability Test is to develop an easily administered test of motor ability for college men. A test battery consisting of the medicine ball put, zigzag run, and standing broad jump was recommended for indoor use, and a more complete test battery was recommended for outdoor use.

Disorder vs. Disability

Q2. Difference between Disorder and Disability


Disorder can be characterized

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Understanding Field Hockey Rules: Dimensions, Gameplay, and Regulations

Field Hockey Rules and Regulations

1. Field Dimensions

  • Shape: Rectangular
  • Size: Approximately 40m x 20m
  • Band Height: 50cm
  • Corners: Rounded
  • Lateral Line Length: Permitted length is 44m

2. Field Markings

  • Two field markings are present.
  • A central point should be set at the midpoint of the central goal area, measuring 4m x 5m.
  • This point must be marked 2.85m from the baseline, centered, and in relation to the band lines.
  • The goalkeeper’s area measures 1m x 2.5m and should be marked 0.65m from the posterior line.
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Football, Rugby, Volleyball, Hockey & Korfball: Rules & Skills

Football (Indoor/Futsal)

Marks and Dimensions (42×22)

  • Penalty spot
  • Central circle
  • Penalty area
  • End line


  • Goalkeeper
  • Pivot
  • Defender
  • Attacker/Striker


  • Passing and receiving
  • Shooting
  • Decision-making
  • Dribbling
  • Heading
  • Touch and ball control


One indoor football match lasts 40 minutes, divided into two 20-minute halves. The time stops whenever the ball is not in play, such as during a foul.


Futsal originated in 1930 in Uruguay.


You must throw the ball with your hands from behind your head.

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Exercise and Health: Definitions, Fitness, and Factors

Exercise and Health: Definition, Characterization, and Classification

Factors Influencing the Maintenance of Health and Physical Fitness

Definition and Characterization of Health

  • Total Welfare from the physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.
  • Achieving the highest level of operational capability.
  • Physical, mental, emotional, and social adaptation enabling environment.
  • Physical state that allows the agency to exercise its functions optimally.


Due to the imperfection of biological

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Volleyball Techniques and Training Systems

Essential Volleyball Techniques

The Past: Actions are the most important techniques in volleyball.

Forearm Pass

Touch Receive: Defenders practice this regularly after the opponent’s service or header.

Finger Pass

Setting: Usually the second touch, performed by the setter for placement.

The Spike

This spectacular technique is the most difficult to perform. The player must have great power and coordination, and cannot touch the net after the hit.

The Block

The defense against the spike. One, two, or three

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