Understanding States of Matter and Energy Changes

States of Matter and Their Properties

Changes of State: When a substance changes its state, its mass is conserved. This is a physical change, meaning it does not produce a new substance. If the changes are reversed, the substance regains its original properties. Evaporation does not have to occur at the boiling temperature of the liquid; it involves only a few particles becoming a gas. In a liquid, particles have a range of energies. At the surface, some particles will have enough energy to escape

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Understanding Conservative Forces and Kepler’s Laws of Planetary Motion

Block 1

Conservative Forces

For many types of forces, the work done to move a body between two points depends on the path followed (e.g., frictional forces). However, this is not the case for a particular type of force called conservative forces. A conservative force is capable of returning the work done against it. These forces are characterized by performing work that only depends on the initial and final positions, not the path taken. Consequently, when work is done in a closed path, the net work

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Electrical Concepts and Wave Properties Explained

Electric Field

The electric field is the area of space around a load where electrical forces exert attraction or repulsion.

  • The field strength depends on the load generator.
  • The greater the load, the stronger the field.
  • The further we move from the load generator, the weaker the field.


Capacitors store energy until required for use. They consist of two conductors, one positive and one negative, that support more capacity induction.


An ammeter measures the current in a circuit. It is placed

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Magnetic Fields: Properties and Laws

The Magnetic Field

The magnetic field is a region of space in which a point electric charge, value q, moving at a speed, suffers from a force that is perpendicular and proportional to the speed and the field, called magnetic induction or density magnetic flux.

Performance of Magnetic Field Lines

The performance of magnetic field lines can roughly estimate the magnetic field existing at a given point, taking into account the following characteristics:

  • The magnetic field lines are always closed loops
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Physics Lab Practices: Reaction Time, Density, Energy, Pendulums, Inertia, and Oscillation

Practice 1: Random Errors, Determination of Reaction Time

We know that the fall of a body is accelerated motion, with a relationship between the distance traveled and time. So, it is possible to determine the time it takes to react to stimuli, trying to catch a falling body by measuring the area it runs through before catching it.

  • Medium-haul space: The sum of all measures / number of measures +/- error.
  • Absolute error: Given by the measurement equipment.
  • Relative error: |Δe| / |e|.
  • Random error: (1
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Understanding the Universe: Celestial Bodies and Energy

Geocentric System

The geocentric system is a planetary model which states that the Earth is the center of the Universe, and the other planets and the Sun revolve around it.

Heliocentric System

The heliocentric system is a planetary model where the Sun is the center of our system, and the other planets, including Earth, revolve around it.


Astrophysics is the branch of astronomy that studies the structure, composition, and evolution of the Universe.


A light-year is the distance that

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