Aircraft Performance Data: Regulations and Tables


Leg 15: (B) Leg 15 y Fig 117: (B) Leg 15 y Fig 185A: (A) Leg 15 y Fig 205: (C) Leg 15 y Fig 215: (C) Fig 115, 116, 117, 118, 118A, 118B, 118C: (B) Fig 118A: (B) Fig 190, 195, 195A, 196, 196A: (A) Fig 206: (B) Fig 214 y 182A: 321/42 Fig 214 y 183 y 183A: (B)


Fig 112: (C) Fig 125: Wind 050°(B) Ilust 4(B) TO the station(A) from the station(B) Fig 129: (A) Fig 130: A(B) B(C) C(B) D(B) Fig 131: A(B) B(B) C(A) D(A) E(B) F(C) Fig 135 y 138: (B) Fig 136 y 138: (C) Fig 137 y 138: (A)

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Animal Cognition: Counting, Spatial Representation, and Tool Use

Counting and Numerosity

Brannon & Terrace (1998): About Counting

  • Numerosity is often confounded with other properties like size and surface area.
  • Duration (auditory counting) is also a factor.


  • Training: Touch screen; choose exemplars in ascending order of numerosity.
  • 35 sets that differ in size and shape of elements.
  • Category types: nominal vs. ordinal.
  • If forming nominal representations, they are learning representations of an arbitrary feature, not ordinal representations.
  • Learning a general
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Understanding Perception: Illusions, Constancies, and Reality

Closure in Perception

Closure is the tendency to perceive incomplete figures as complete. We “close” or fill in the missing parts to see a whole.

Continuity in Perception

We tend to group or separate stimuli to maintain a harmonious continuity.

Perceptual Constancies

Although objects constantly change in position, distance, and color, we perceive them as stable and unchanging.

Form Constancy

The tendency to perceive that objects have the same shape despite changes in their position.

Size Constancy

When viewing

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Indigenous Psychology, Altruism, and Peace Studies

Indigenous Psychology

Indigenous psychology is the system of psychological thought and practice that is rooted in a particular cultural tradition. It is indigenous because the knowledge derived is not borrowed or imposed from outside. It attempts to look at reality from the native’s point of view as they have conceived, perceived, and understood it.

Produced naturally in a region, it belongs naturally to the soil, originating, developing, or produced naturally in a particular land, region, or environment.

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Psychology Concepts: Social, Cognitive, and Clinical

Social Psychology Concepts

Thin Slicing – Rapid processing of social cues.

Personal Attributions – Internal attributions; refer to things within people.

Situational Attributions – External attributions; refer to the situation.

Fundamental Attribution Error – The tendency for people to base explanations of behavior on personal characteristics.

Actor-Observer Discrepancy – People’s tendency to focus on situation when interpreting their own negative behaviors and to focus on dispositions when interpreting

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Design of Experiments: Key Concepts and Designs

Design of Experiments: Key Concepts

Design of Experiments (DOE) is the rational planning of experiments to obtain the maximum amount of information with the minimum number of trials. Its function is to analyze results and obtain evidence to test previously established hypotheses.

DOE is directly related to the problem statement and the hypothesis. The design aims to collect data from reality to solve the problem, and the hypothesis guides the type of experimentation needed to obtain, analyze, and

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