Data Analysis and Research Methods: An Overview
Data Analysis
The collected data can be analyzed both qualitatively and quantitatively, depending on how the variables are measured. This is the stage of systematic and reflective analysis of information obtained through the instruments. It is one of the highlights of the research process and involves working with data, collecting and organizing them into manageable units, and synthesizing them to support the research.
Ethics in Educational Research
Science and technology should be subject to ethics,
Read MoreUnderstanding Personal Identity and Development
The Search for Personal Identity
I am he who has three dimensions:
- Cognitive (knowledge)
- Affective (feelings)
- Social (relationship with others)
Freud said that everything was derived from the psychosexual level of the individual; if this works well, a correct identity is established. E. Erikson says that what happens to the adolescent in crisis is that tenderness is felt in response to stimuli, and before this crisis, there is a new identity, making these poles equilibria.
Self-esteem is the way we look
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Types of Research
There are two primary types of research:
- Qualitative: This type of research involves fieldwork. The number of individuals to whom the instrument applies may not require a rigorous process, or the results obtained may not be applicable to the entire population.
- Quantitative: This type uses a quantitative instrument. Its application involves determining a sample using statistical methods, and the results are applicable to the entire population.
Primary and Secondary Sources
Read MoreBloom’s Taxonomy: Cognitive Domain Levels Explained
Bloom’s Taxonomy: Cognitive Domain
The cognitive domain of Bloom’s Taxonomy outlines different levels of intellectual skills and learning objectives. Here’s a breakdown of each level:
1. Knowledge
Psychological Process: Evocation by memorization or recognition of specific details. Modes of operation with the data. Abstractions.
Conditions Before the Student: Is requested, through signs or indications, to reproduce the information acquired and stored in much the same way they learned it.
Behavior Evidence:
Read MoreMass Communication Theories: Models, Perception, and Encoding
Classical vs. New Media
- Classical: TV, newspapers, radio, magazines
- New Media: Social media, internet
- Distinctive technologies converge
- Media scarcity transforms to media abundance
- Content shifts from feared to tailored
- Communication evolves from one-way to interactive
Theories and Science
Theory is the ultimate goal of science. Science seeks cause-and-effect relationships to predict and control uncertainties.
Four Goals of Mass Communication Theory
Media effects, media uses, learning, and shaping people’s
Read MoreCriminological Psychology: Key Concepts and Applications
Criminological Psychology: Key Concepts
Criminological psychology is a branch of psychology that studies the individual, social, biological, and familial factors that may lead a person to become delinquent. It includes the study of criminal violence.
Object of Study
The object of study is antisocial and criminal behavior, specifically criminal violence. This can be defined as the unlawful use of force with the intent to threaten, attempt, or inflict physical, psychological, or social harm
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