Figures of Speech and Text Construction: A Comprehensive Resource

Chiasmus: An Inadequate Example of (K)

Figures of Construction: The Whole of Expressive or Peculiar Resources of the Literary Language


Metaphor is the substitution of one term for another based on a relationship of similarity.


Hyperbaton is the alteration of the normal order of a sentence by changing the position of its terms.


Comparison connects two terms based on a relationship of similarity through an explicit link.


Euphemism is the substitution of a harsh term

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Effective Study Strategies and Note-Taking for Students

Motivation Strategies for University Students

People have different sources of motivation. Here are three strategies that university students can use to develop motivation:

  • Studying together is beneficial. When students meet and discuss a certain subject, new ideas are born. This enriches their thinking and engraves information in their brains.
  • Rewarding oneself is also motivating. After a long day of studying in a library with classmates, there’s nothing more rewarding than hanging out with favorite
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International Accounting Standards: Convergence and IFRS

Chapter 3

  1. Convergence and Harmonization of Accounting Standards
  • Harmonization: Reducing alternatives while maintaining flexibility in accounting practices. Allows different standards if no logical conflicts.
  • Convergence: Adopting one set of standards internationally. Main objective of IASB.
  1. Arguments For and Against International Convergence


  • Expedite global capital market integration, easier cross-listing.
  • Facilitate mergers and acquisitions.
  • Reduce investor uncertainty and cost of capital.
  • Reduce
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Management Theories: Evolution and Modern Practices

Evolution of Management Theories

Classical Management Theory (1880-1930)

  • Scientific Management by F.W. Taylor
  • Administrative Management by Henri Fayol
  • Bureaucratic Management by Max Weber

Neoclassical Management Theory (1930-1950)

  • Human Relations Movement
  • Behavioral Sciences Movement

Modern Management Theory (1950 Onwards)

  • Quantitative Approach
  • System Approach
  • Contingency Approach

Classical Management Theory

1. Scientific Management

Frederick W. Taylor (Chief Engineer in Bethlehem Steel Company, USA) – Father

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Verbal Structures and Phrases in Language

Verbal Structures

The Predicate

The predicate describes the actions or experiences of the subject. It can consist of one or more words, including a verbal phrase. Verbal phrases can take various forms, such as active, passive, or periphrastic constructions.

The Verb

The verb expresses reality as an action, process, or state. It comprises a lexeme and morphemes providing information about person, number, tense, mood, and aspect.

Verbal Forms

Verbal forms convey information about the following:

  • Person:
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Globalization and Management: Impacts and Roles

Pros and Cons of Globalization

Globalization is the absence of borders and barriers to trade, according to Ohmae (1995).

Why the Upsurge in Globalization?

  1. Increased customer demands and access to competing products and services:
    • More for less!
    • Global brands vs. local brands
    • Access to global distributors
  2. Increased technological innovation and application:
    • Improved ICT
    • Access to markets, partners, and global networks
  3. Increased power and influence of emerging markets and economies
  4. Increased globalization of financial
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