Christian Doctrines: Repentance, Faith, Salvation

Understanding Repentance and Faith

Repentance is necessary because all are guilty of sinning.

Repentance is primarily an intellectual activity.

Repentance is produced by the ministry of the Word and by a fresh vision of God.

Faith is vitally important to us, for it affects every aspect of our lives.

Faith is composed of only one element, assent, for it basically involves emotions.

What are the results of repentance?

  • a) The entire community rejoices at the sinner’s action.
  • b) The family of the repentant
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Los Santos Inocentes: Character Profiles and Analysis


Azarías is a man in his sixties who always wears the same clothes: corduroy trousers ending at the knees, with no buttons on his fly, and bare feet. He is Régula’s brother. He previously worked for Mr. Jara but was fired due to his lack of hygiene. He was accustomed to wetting his hands so they wouldn’t crack from the cold. With his toothless mouth, his words sometimes seemed unintelligible, as if he were chewing something. He is a very affectionate person who developed a great affection

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Religion in American Literature: Puritanism to Dickinson

Religion’s Role in American Literary Tradition

Religion is a central topic in many different literary works in the American tradition, but different authors approach it from distinct perspectives.

Puritan Literature Perspectives

Religion is essential to Puritan literature. A central tenet of their belief system is predestination: everything is determined by the will of God. They can also be considered fundamentalists, believing that social life should be organized according to religious principles.

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Sephardic Jews: History and Culture in Medieval Spain

Jews in Sepharad: A Historical Overview

According to some accounts, the arrival of Jews in the Iberian Peninsula (Sepharad) occurred after the destruction of Jerusalem by Nebuchadnezzar. From the third century onward, Jewish communities existed in this territory, considering Toledoth (city of generations) as their cultural and religious center.

Jews and Visigoths: A Complex Relationship

The relationship between Jews and Visigoths was generally respectful, though not always cordial. Discrimination against

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Christian Living: Union with Jesus Christ Through Sacraments

Living United to Jesus Christ

Early Christians lived in the presence of Jesus Christ. Initially, they were baffled, but felt Pentecost. Everyone felt that Jesus wished them to live together in union with Him. This union is expressed not only in personal prayer but also in moments of assembly with other Christians.

A Natural Process

The process of prayer and celebration is natural. Jesus himself was baptized and sent his disciples to baptize all who wanted to convert.

The Liturgy

  • The Weekly Rhythm: Focus
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St. Augustine: Knowledge, Truth, and the Path to God

St. Augustine on Knowledge

According to St. Augustine, truth brings true happiness to man. Even skeptics can be sure of something: their doubt gives evidence of their existence. Man can know the truth. In knowledge, there are three hierarchical levels, from lowest to highest:

  • Sensitive Knowledge: Perceives objects and their modifications through the senses. This is not true knowledge due to the potential deficiencies of the senses.
  • Rational Knowledge: Makes judgments about objects and compares them
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