Erasmus and the Counter-Reformation: Key Aspects
Erasmus and the Counter-Reformation
Erasmus believed that sincerity was key. He saw evil concealed within formalism, blind compliance to tradition, unnecessary consumption, and organizations resistant to change, but never within the teachings of Christ. He envisioned the Christian life as a battle against evil, where the Christian knight defends themselves through knowledge of divine law, reading sacred texts, and mental prayer. He criticized the excessive veneration of images of saints and even
Read MoreReformation Era: Causes, Reformers, and Counter-Reformation
The Protestant Reformation
During the 16th century, the Protestant Reformation spread across Europe. It caused a collapse of the religious unity that the Catholic Church had upheld in Western Europe. As a result, the Catholic Church launched the Counter-Reformation.
Causes of the Reformation
- Disdain for the papacy and clergy: The Roman Catholic Church was very powerful in Europe. However, many believed that popes were mainly concerned with their own interests; bishops lived a life of luxury and did
Religious Diversity in Spain: A Historical View
Features of Spanish Catholicism
During the dictatorship of General Franco (1939-1975), and until the proclamation of the Constitution in 1978, Spain was officially a Catholic state, with legislation inspired by the religion. This regime is known as National Catholicism. This close relationship between church and state was confirmed by the signing of the Concordat of 1953. The 1978 Constitution and the Organic Law of Religious Freedom in 1980 initiated a change towards a state independent of any particular
Read MoreUnderstanding Salvation: Repentance, Faith, and Transformation
Repentance and Faith: Cornerstones of Salvation
Repentance is necessary because all are guilty of sinning. Repentance is produced by the ministry of the Word and by a fresh vision of God. It’s not *mainly* an intellectual activity, but the intellect *is* involved. Faith is vitally important to us, for it affects every aspect of our lives. Faith is composed of more than one element; it’s not *just* assent or emotions. Repentance and faith together equal conversion. The only measure for true conversion
Read MoreUnderstanding Sacred Texts Across Religions
The Bible
The Bible is the set of sacred books of the Jews. Judaism is based on the Torah, which consists of five books that tell the story of the Jewish people from the beginning of the world until the time they settled in the Promised Land. It was considered that the Torah had been written personally by Moses, inspired directly by God. Written rules were added to the set of oral traditions collected in the Talmud. These oral traditions date back to the time of Moses and are supposed to have been
Survival and Relationships in Robinson Crusoe and Marianela
Robinson Crusoe: Living Conditions: In order to survive, he hunts goats and birds that also inhabit the island. Gradually improving, he first begins to live in a cave. He goes to his ship and finds tools, a pond, supplies, and other items. With these, he could make furniture; it was then that he started to build a house, followed by a table, a chair, and everything else he needed. Years passed, and he began to despair, marking the days and writing a diary. He returned to his ship to look for ink.
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