Early Christian Art and Architecture

Early Christian Art

does not depend entirely on the Roman art, but neither is a definitive break with respect to that, which is why some historians have spoken of him as a “baptized Roman art.”

Architecture. The basilica.

During the period of secrecy has its first expressions in the catacombs, no buildings can be held strictly. But from the fourth century (after the Edict of Milan in 313 that tolerate the Christian religion) when it first raised the need for a separate building for the celebration

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The Relationship Between Religion and Political Power Throughout History

5 Pillars of Islam

  • The Faith: There is no god but Allah, and Muhammad is his prophet.
  • Prayer: Ritual prayer 5 times a day, preceded by a series of ablutions, is performed facing Mecca while on a prayer rug. Once a week, a congregational prayer is held on Fridays.
  • Zakat (Alms): Charity given to benefit the needy of the community by members of the Ummah.
  • Fasting: Rigorous fasting during the month of Ramadan from sunrise to sunset.
  • Pilgrimage (Hajj): Making the pilgrimage to Mecca, which every Muslim must
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Religion and Politics: A Historical Overview

5 pillars of Islam:

• The faith there is no god but Allah and Muhammad is his prophet.
• The ritual prayer 5 times a day, preceded by a series of allusions, is done looking at the Mecca and a carpet. Once a week is held daily prayer, this is done on Fridays.
• The Zakat or alms. It is the local charity to benefit the needy of the community to be undertaken by members of the Umma
• The rigorous fasting during the month of Ramadan from sunrise until sunset.
· Making the pilgrimage to

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A Timeline of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

A Brief History of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

13th Century BC

  • Jews escaped captivity in Egypt and settled in Canaan.
  • Jews formed the Kingdom of Judea.
  • People called Peleshet populated Philistia.

70 AD

  • Jews were forced to disperse (the diaspora) throughout the Roman Empire.
  • The emperor Hadrian renamed the area Palestine after expelling the Romans.

Following Centuries

  • Few Jews and Christians lived among Muslim majorities.

7th Century

  • Muslim-Palestine connection strengthened after the area was invaded by
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Rites, Myths, Sacred Spaces, and Time in Religion


They are active mediation and can be ethical actions (service) or liturgical (worship). The latter are actions defined and organized by a group of believers as a positive response to God.

The rite is the most complete expression in the positive response of the SH response. It features:

  • It’s a social action, personal integrity, and emotional-physical.
  • It is a symbolic action, a good gesture (significant action is performed) for God (meaning).
  • These are actions by a group according to rules that
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A Guide to American Literary Movements: Puritanism to Transcendentalism

Puritan Plain Style

“Plain” does not mean “rustic” or “rude,” much less “artless.” It means “unadorned” by elaborated figures of speech and learned references, just as the church building, services, and the ministers themselves must be unadorned. Literary conceits and classical allusions were signs of human vanity. Puritans favored simple, short words rather than long, fancy ones. They got to the point immediately, with no exaggerated descriptions. It is based on directness and clarity.

Satan’s Sophistry


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